Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wilhelm
Stethaimerstrasse 4
5020 Salzburg
http://www.wfoissner.at (Homepage)
List of Publications
Note: The PDFs are for personal use only! Last
update: 2019.01.28
/ 1967 / 1968 / 1969 / 1970 / 1971 / 1972 / 1973 / 1974 / 1975 / 1976 / 1977 / 1978 / 1979 / 1980 / 1981 / 1982 / 1983 / 1984 / 1985 / 1986 / 1987 / 1988 / 1989 / 1990 / 1991 / 1992 / 1993 / 1994 / 1995 / 1996 / 1997 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000 / 2001 / 2002 / 2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 /
Foissner W. (1967):
Wimpertiere im Silberpräparat. Ein „trockenes" Verfahren zur Darstellung
des Silberliniensystems. – Mikrokosmos, 56:
122–126. PDF (4.5
Foissner W. (1968): Die
Ausstoßung und Regeneration der Schleuderorganellen bei Ciliaten, beobachtet am
Silberlinien- oder neuroformativen System. – MittBl. mikrograph. Ges.
Wien, 3: 30–40. PDF
(38 MB)
Foissner W. (1968):
Schäden am Silberlinien-System der Wimpertiere. Das „neuroformative"
System reagiert empfindlich. – Mikrokosmos, 57: 364–370. PDF (6 MB)
Foissner W. (1969): Reaktionen
des Silberliniensystems der Ciliaten auf mechanische Insulte I. Teil. –
Protoplasma, 68: 23–45. PDF
(26 MB)
Foissner W. (1969): Reaktionen
des Silberliniensystems der Ciliaten auf mechanische Insulte II. Teil. –
Protoplasma, 68: 433–456. PDF
(33 MB)
Foissner W. (1969): Reaktionen
des Silberliniensystems der Ciliaten auf mechanische Schädigungen.
Veränderungen im Feinbau der Silberlinien. – MittBl. mikrograph. Ges. Wien, 4: 37–45. PDF
(36 MB)
Foissner W. (1969): Eine neue
Art aus der Gattung Colpidium (STEIN,
1860): Colpidium kleini sp. n.
(Hymenostomatida, Tetrahymenidae). – Acta Protozool., 7: 17–23. PDF (22 MB)
Foissner W. (1970): Corticale
Morphogenese bei Colpidium kleini
(Ciliata, Holotricha). – Acta Protozool., 8:
129–142. PDF (31 MB)
Foissner W. (1970): Spontane
Teilungsmißbildungen bei Colpidium kleini
(Ciliata, Holotricha). – Arch. Protistenk., 112: 99–105. PDF (6 MB)
Foissner W. (1970):
Silberliniensystem und Formbildung. Experimente mit dem Wimpertier Colpidium. – Mikrokosmos, 59: 52–57. PDF (10 MB)
Foissner W. (1970): The
physiological regeneration (reorganization) of the oral apparatus in the Colpidium kleini (Ciliata,
Tetrahymenidae). – Acta biol. hung., 21:
355–367. PDF (10 MB)
Foissner W. (1971): The
Silver-line System of Uronema parduczi
sp. n. (Ciliata, Hymenostomatidae, Uronematidae). – Arch. Protistenk., 113:
34–50. PDF (26 MB)
Foissner W. (1971):
Ein argyrophiles Fibrillensystem bei Amoeba
villosa (WALLICH). – Protoplasma, 72:
191–201. PDF (10 MB)
Foissner W. (1972): The
Silver-line System of Placus luciae
(KAHL 1926) (Ciliata, Enchelyidae). – Arch. Protistenk., 114:
83–95. PDF (20 MB)
Foissner W. (1972): The cytopyge
of Ciliata I. Its function, regeneration and morphogenesis in Uronema parduczi. – Acta biol. hung., 23: 161–174. PDF (9 MB)
Foissner W. (1972): The cytopyge
of Ciliata II. Microphotographical documentation of the defecation in Prorodon teres. – Acta biol. hung., 23: 353–362. PDF (MB)
Foissner W. (1972): The cytopyge
of Ciliata III. Microphotographical documentation of the defecation in Blepharisma ovata. – Acta biol. hung., 23: 403–406. PDF (MB)
Foissner W. (1973):
Lokale formative Veränderungen der Basalfibrillen in einer Kultur von Colpidium kleini (Protozoa). –
Mikroskopie, 29: 179–186. PDF (11 MB)
Foissner W. (1974):
Lokale formative Veränderungen der Basalfibrillen in einer Kultur von Uronema parduczi (Protozoa, Ciliata). –
Naturk. Jb. Stadt Linz, 20: 147–154. PDF
Foissner W. & Schiffmann H. (1974): The cytopyge of Ciliata IV. An experimental study
of the ingestion, digestion and defecation in Oxytricha fallax. – Acta biol. hung., 25: 61–74. PDF (20 MB)
Foissner W. (1974): Die Wimpertiere (Ciliata) und ihr
Silberliniensystem. Das neuroformative System
als Urstufe des Nervensystems in der Haut Einzelliger (Protozoa). –Kataloge des
OÖ. Landesmuseums, 89: 1–68. PDF
(12 MB)
Foissner W. &
Schiffmann H. (1975): Vergleichende Studien an argyrophilen Strukturen
von vierzehn peritrichen Ciliaten. – Protistologica, 10: 489–508 (year 1974). PDF (45 MB)
Foissner W. (1975):
Opisthonectidae (Ciliata, Peritrichida) nov. fam. und Revision der Genera Telotrochidium (KENT) und Opisthonecta (FAURÉ-FREMIET). –
Protistologica, 11: 395–414. PDF (45 MB)
Foissner W. (1975):
Der elektronenmikroskopische Nachweis der fibrillären Natur des
Silberliniensystems bei peritrichen Ciliaten. – Z. Naturf., 30c: 818–822. PDF (23 MB)
Foissner W. &
Schiffmann H. (1975): Biometrische und morphologische Untersuchungen
über die Variabilität von argyrophilen Strukturen bei peritrichen Ciliaten. –
Protistologica, 11: 415–428. PDF (29 MB)
Foissner W. &
Simonsberger P. (1975): Vergleichende licht- und
rasterelektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen an trocken präparierten
Silberliniensystemen von Ciliaten (Protozoa). – Mikroskopie, 31: 193–205. PDF (15 MB)
Foissner W. &
Simonsberger P. (1975): Elektronenmikroskopischer Nachweis der
subpelliculären Lage des Silberliniensystems bei Colpidium colpoda (Ciliata, Tetrahymenidae). – Protoplasma, 86: 65–82. PDF (29 MB)
Foissner W., Losert
A. & Steiner E. (1975): Beiträge zur
Vitalfluorochromierbarkeit von Ciliaten. – Mikroskopie, 31: 233–240. PDF (12 MB)
Foissner W. (1976): Erfahrungen
mit einer trockenen Silberimprägnationsmethode zur Darstellung argyrophiler
Strukturen bei Protisten. – Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 115: 68–79. PDF (6 MB)
Foissner W. (1976):
Eine Neubeschreibung von Telotrochidium
johanninae FAURÉ-FREMIET 1950 (Ciliata, Opisthonectidae). – Protistologica,
12: 263–269. PDF (13 MB)
Foissner W. (1976):
Wallackia schiffmanni nov. gen., nov.
spec. (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) ein alpiner hypotricher Ciliat. – Acta
Protozool., 15: 387–392. PDF (10 MB)
Foissner W. (1976): Archiastomata adami nov. gen., nov.
spec. (Archiastomatidae nov. fam.), ein freilebender astomater Ciliat. – Acta
Protozool., 15: 255–268. PDF (22 MB)
Foissner W. (1976):
Fünfzig Jahre Forschung am Silberliniensystem der Ciliaten. – Naturk. Jb. Stadt
Linz, 22: 103–112. PDF (8 MB)
Foissner W. (1977):
Elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen über die Lage und Natur des
Silberliniensystems von Paramecium. –
Mikroskopie, 33: 260–276. PDF (37 MB)
Foissner W. (1977):
Electronmicroscopical studies on the argyrophilic structures of Colpidium campylum (Ciliata,
Tetrahymenidae). – Acta biol. hung., 28:
59–72. PDF (22 MB)
Foissner W. (1977): Comparative
light and electronmicroscopical studies on the argyrophilic structures of Euglena viridis. – Acta biol. hung., 28: 157–174. PDF (29 MB)
37. Foissner W. (1977): Revision der Genera Astylozoon (ENGELMANN) und Hastatella (ERLANGER) (Ciliata
Natantina). – Protistologica, 13: 353–379. PDF (64 MB)
Foissner W. (1977): Euplotes moebiusi f. quadricirratus (Ciliophora,
Hypotrichida) II. Die Feinstruktur einiger cytoplasmatischer
Organellen. – Naturk. Jb. Stadt Linz, 23:
17–24. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. &
Schubert G. (1977): Morphologie der Zooide und Schwärmer von Heteropolaria colisarum gen. nov., spec.
nov. (Ciliata, Peritrichida), einer symphorionten Epistylidae von Colisa fasciata (Anabantoidei,
Belontiidae). – Acta Protozool., 16: 231–247. PDF (35 MB)
Foissner W. (1978):
Euplotes moebiusi f. quadricirratus (Ciliophora,
Hypotrichida) I. Die Feinstruktur des Cortex und der argyrophilen Strukturen. –
Arch. Protistenk., 120: 86–117. PDF (60 MB)
Foissner W. (1978):
Das Silberliniensystem und die Infraciliatur der Gattungen Platyophrya KAHL, 1926, Cyrtolophosis
STOKES, 1885 und Colpoda O. F. M.,
1786: Ein Beitrag zur Systematik der Colpodida (Ciliata, Vestibulifera). – Acta
Protozool., 17: 215–231. PDF (16 MB)
Foissner W. (1978): Opisthonecta bivacuolata nov. spec., Telotrochidium cylindricum nov. spec.
und Epistylis alpestris nov. spec.,
drei neue peritriche Ciliaten aus dem Hochgebirge (Hohe Tauern, Österreich). –
Annln naturh. Mus. Wien, 81: 549–565. PDF (5 MB)
Foissner W. (1978): Morphologie,
Infraciliatur und Silberliniensystem von Plagiocampa
rouxi KAHL, 1926 (Prostomatida, Plagiocampidae) und Balanonema sapropelica nov. spec. (Philasterina, Loxocephalidae). –
Protistologica, 14: 381–389. PDF (22 MB)
Foissner W. (1978):
Taxonomische Studien über die Ciliaten des Großglocknergebietes II. Familie
Amphileptidae. – Ber. Haus der Natur Salzburg, 8: 87–93. PDF (5 MB)
Foissner W. & Schiffmann H. (1978): Taxonomie und Phylogenie der Gattung Colpidium (Ciliophora, Tetrahymenidae)
und Neubeschreibung von Colpidium
truncatum STOKES, 1885. – Naturk. Jb. Stadt Linz, 24: 21–40. PDF (8 MB)
Foissner W. (1979):
Ökologie und Systematik der edaphischen Protozoen in den Hohen Tauern
(Österreich). – MaB-Mitt., 4: 40–64. PDF (67 MB)
Foissner W. (1979):
Ökologische und systematische Studien über das Neuston alpiner Kleingewässer,
mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ciliaten. – Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol., 64: 99–140. PDF (58 MB)
Foissner W. (1979):
Über ein Massenauftreten von Ophrydium
eutrophicum nov. spec. (Ciliophora, Peritrichida) und Cristatella mucedo CUVIER (Bryozoa, Cristatellidae) in zwei
Voralpenseen (Wallersee, Fuschlsee). – Ber. Nat.-Med. Ver. Salzburg, 3/4: 95–100. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner W. (1979):
Methylgrün-Pyronin: Seine Eignung zur supravitalen Übersichtsfärbung von
Protozoen, besonders ihrer Protrichocysten. – Mikroskopie, 35: 108–115. PDF (13 MB)
Foissner W. (1979):
Peritriche Ciliaten (Protozoa: Ciliophora) aus alpinen Kleingewässern. – Zool.
Jb. Syst., 106: 529–558. PDF (42 MB)
Foissner W. (1979):
Wimpertiere als Bioindikatoren. – ÖKO-L, 4:
3–7. PDF (11 MB)
Foissner W. (1979):
Morphologie, Infraciliatur und Silberliniensystem von Phascolodon vorticella STEIN, Chlamydonella
alpestris nov. spec. und Trochilia
minuta (ROUX) (Ciliophora, Cyrtophorida). – Protistologica, 15: 557–563. PDF (16 MB)
Foissner W. (1979):
Taxonomische Studien über die Ciliaten des Grossglocknergebietes (Hohe Tauern,
Österreich). III. Familien Tracheliidae, Didiniidae, Nassulopsidae und
Orthodonellidae. – Acta Protozool., 18: 417–428. PDF (23 MB)
Foissner W. (1979):
Taxonomische Studien über die Ciliaten des Großglocknergebietes (Hohe Tauern,
Österreich). Familien Microthoracidae, Chilodonellidae und Furgasoniidae. –
Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 188: 27–43. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner W. (1979):
Taxonomische Studien über die Ciliaten des Grossglocknergebietes (Hohe Tauern,
Österreich). VIII. Familie Nassulidae. – Naturk. Jb. Stadt Linz, 25: 199–208. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. &
Adam H. (1979): Die Bedeutung der stagnierenden Kleingewässer im
alpinen Ökosystem. – Jb. Univ. Salzburg, 1977–1979: 147–158. PDF (13 MB)
Foissner W. & Schiffmann H. (1979): Morphologie und Silberliniensystem von Pseudovorticella sauwaldensis nov. spec.
und Scyphidia physarum LACHMANN, 1856
(Ciliophora, Peritrichida). – Ber. Nat.-Med. Ver. Salzburg, 3/4: 83–94. PDF (4 MB)
Foissner W. & Wilbert N. (1979):
Morphologie, Infraciliatur und Ökologie der limnischen Tintinnina: Tintinnidium fluviatile STEIN, Tintinnidium pusillum ENTZ, Tintinnopsis cylindrata DADAY und Codonella cratera (LEIDY) (Ciliophora,
Polyhymenophora). – J. Protozool., 26: 90–103. PDF (25 MB)
Foissner W.,
Schubert G. & Wilbert N. (1979): Morphologie, Infraciliatur und
Silberliniensystem von Protoopalina
symphysodonis nov. spec. (Protozoa: Opalinata), einer Opalinidae aus dem
Intestinum von Symphysodon aequifasciata
PELLEGRIN (Percoidei: Cichlidae). – Zool. Anz., 202: 71–85. PDF (20 MB)
Haslauer J.Sr., Pum
M. & Foissner W. (1979): Zur Hydrobiologie eines städtischen
Fliessgewässers (Alterbach-System 1976). – Ber. Nat.-Med. Ver. Salzburg, 3/4: 13–44. PDF (1 MB)
61a Foissner
W. (1979): Hydrobiologische Studien an Kleingewässern in den Hohen
Tauern, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ciliaten (Protozoa, Ciliophora) I.
Chemisch-physikalische Untersuchungen und Ökologie der Ciliaten. – Diss. Univ.
Salzburg, 175 pp.
61b Foissner
W. (1979): Hydrobiologische Studien an Kleingewässern in den Hohen
Tauern, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ciliaten (Protozoa, Ciliophora) II.
Taxonomie und Systematik der Ciliaten. – Diss. Univ. Salzburg, 410 pp.
Foissner W. (1980):
Malacophrys viridis sp. n.
(Malacophryidae fam. n.), ein Ciliat (Protozoa, Ciliophora) mit Merkmalen der
Kinetofragminophora und Oligohymenophora. – Zool. Scr., 9: 81–88. PDF (16 MB)
Foissner W. (1980):
Artenbestand und Struktur der Ciliatenzönose in alpinen Kleingewässern (Hohe
Tauern, Österreich). – Arch. Protistenk., 123:
99–126. PDF (MB)
Foissner W. (1980):
Taxonomische Studien über die Ciliaten des Großglocknergebietes (Hohe Tauern,
Österreich) IV. Familien Spathidiidae, Podophryidae und Urnulidae. – Verh.
zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, 118/119: 97–112. PDF (11 MB)
Foissner W. (1980):
Taxonomische Studien über die Ciliaten des Großglocknergebietes (Hohe Tauern,
Österreich). VI. Familien Woodruffiidae, Colpodidae und Marynidae. – Acta
Protozool., 19: 29–50. PDF (44 MB)
Foissner W. (1980):
Taxonomische Studien über die Ciliaten des Grossglocknergebietes (Hohe Tauern,
Österreich). IX. Ordnungen Heterotrichida und Hypotrichida. – Ber. Nat.-Med.
Ver. Salzburg, 5: 71–117. PDF (4 MB)
Foissner W. (1980):
Colpodide Ciliaten (Protozoa: Ciliophora) aus alpinen Böden. – Zool. Jb. Syst.,
107: 391–432. PDF (64 MB)
Foissner W. &
Adam H. (1980): Abundanz, Vertikalverteilung und Artenzahl der
terrestrischen Ciliaten und Testaceen einer Almweide und einer Schipiste auf
der Schloßalm bei Bad Hofgastein (Österreich). – Zool. Anz., 205: 181–187. PDF (10 MB)
Foissner W. & Simonsberger P. (1980): Reply to the letter of Mc Coy. – Ber. Nat.-Med.
Ver. Salzburg, 5: 121–122. PDF (0.4 MB)
Wilbert N. & Foissner W. (1980):
Eine Neubeschreibung von Calyptotricha
lanuginosum PENARD, 1922 (Ciliata, Scuticociliatida). – Arch. Protistenk.,
123: 12–21. PDF (15 MB)
Foissner W. (1981):
Das Silberliniensystem der Ciliaten: Tatsachen, Hypothesen, Probleme. –
Mikroskopie, 38: 16–26. PDF (22 MB)
Foissner W. (1981):
Morphologie und Taxonomie einiger neuer und wenig bekannter
kinetofragminophorer Ciliaten (Protozoa: Ciliophora) aus alpinen Böden. – Zool.
Jb. Syst., 108: 264–297. PDF (44 MB)
Foissner W. (1981): Terrestrial
protozoa as bioindicators: Investigations at a graded ski trail at the
Schloßalm near Bad Hofgastein (Austria). – 6th Internat. Congr. Protozool.
Abstr.: Abstr. unpag. PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W. (1981):
Morphologie und Taxonomie einiger heterotricher und peritricher Ciliaten
(Protozoa: Ciliophora) aus alpinen Böden. – Protistologica, 17: 29–43. PDF (19 MB)
Foissner W. (1981):
Die Gemeinschaftsstruktur der Ciliatenzönose in alpinen Böden (Hohe Tauern,
Österreich) und Grundlagen für eine Synökologie der terricolen Ciliaten
(Protozoa, Ciliophora). – Veröff. Österr. MaB-Programms, 4: 7–52. PDF (104 MB)
Foissner W. &
Adam H. (1981): Die Gemeinschaftsstruktur und Produktion der
terricolen Testaceen (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) in einigen Böden der
österreichischen Zentralalpen (Hohe Tauern, Glocknergebiet). – Veröff. Österr.
MaB-Programms, 4: 53–78. PDF (58 MB)
Foissner W. & Wilbert N. (1981):
A comparative study of the infraciliature and silverline system of the
fresh-water scuticociliates Pseudocohnilembus
putrinus (KAHL, 1928) nov. comb., P.
pusillus (QUENNERSTEDT, 1869) nov. comb., and the marine form P. marinus THOMPSON, 1966. – J.
Protozool., 28: 291–297. PDF (15 MB)
Bernatzky G.,
Foissner W. & Schubert G. (1981): Rasterelektronenmikroskopische und
biometrische Untersuchungen über die Variabilität der Form, Struktur und Größe
des Gehäuses einiger limnischer Tintinnina (Protozoa, Ciliophora). – Zool.
Scr., 10: 81–90. PDF (37 MB)
79. Foissner W., Czapik A.
& Wiackowski K. (1981): Die
Infraciliatur und das Silberliniensystem von Sagittaria hyalina nov. spec., Chlamydonella
polonica nov. spec. und Spirozona
caudata KAHL, 1926 (Protozoa, Ciliophora). – Arch. Protistenk.,
124: 361–377. PDF (31 MB)
Foissner W. & Adam H. (1981):
Morphologie und Infraciliatur von Parafurgasonia
sorex (PENARD, 1922) nov. gen. und Obertrumia
georgiana (DRAGESCO, 1972) nov. gen. (Protozoa:
Ciliophora). – Zool. Anz., 207: 303–319. PDF (22 MB)
Foissner W. &
Didier P. (1981): Morphologie und Infraciliatur einiger
kinetofragminophorer und hypotricher Ciliaten aus den Fließgewässern von
Besse-en-Chandesse (Frankreich). – Annls Stn limnol. Besse, 15: 254–275. PDF (60 MB)
Foissner W. (1982):
Ciliaten als Leitformen der Wasserqualität - aktuelle Probleme aus
taxonomischer Sicht. – Decheniana-Beih., 26:
105–110. PDF (4 MB)
Foissner W. (1982): The
silverline system: An useful criterion for the systematics of the middle
categories of the Ciliophora. – J. Protozool., 29: 528–529, Abstr. 213. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner W. (1982):
Ökologie und Taxonomie der Hypotrichida (Protozoa: Ciliophora) einiger
österreichischer Böden. – Arch. Protistenk., 126: 19–143. PDF (191 MB)
Foissner W., Adam H. & Foissner I. (1982): Morphologie, Infraciliatur und Silberliniensystem
einiger wenig bekannter Scuticociliatida (Protozoa: Ciliophora). – Zool. Jb. Syst.,
109: 443–468. PDF (42 MB)
Foissner W., Adam
H. & Foissner I. (1982): Daten zur Autökologie der Ciliaten
stagnierender Kleingewässer im Grossglocknergebiet (Hohe Tauern, Österreich). –
Ber. Nat.-Med. Ver. Salzburg, 6: 81–101. PDF (1 MB)
FOISSNER W., ADAM H. & FOISSNER I. (1982): Morphologie und Infraciliatur von Bryometopus pseudochilodon KAHL, 1932, Balantidioides dragescoi nov. spec. und Kahliella marina nov. spec. und Revision
des Genus Balantidioides PENARD,
1930. (Protozoa, Ciliophora). – Protistologica,
18: 211–225. PDF (34 MB)
Foissner W., Franz
H. & Adam H. (1982): Terrestrische Protozoen als
Bioindikatoren im Boden einer planierten Ski-Piste. – Pedobiologia, 24: 45–56. PDF (22 MB)
Foissner W. (1983):
Taxonomische Studien über die Ciliaten des Großglocknergebietes (Hohe Tauern,
Österreich) I. Familien Holophryidae, Prorodontidae, Plagiocampidae, Colepidae,
Enchelyidae und Lacrymariidae nov. fam. – Annln naturh. Mus. Wien, 84B: 49–85.
PDF (68 MB)
Foissner W. (1983):
Morphologie und Infraciliatur zweier ectocommensaler Ciliaten (Protozoa:
Ciliophora) von Cyprinus carpio L.
(Pisces: Cypriniformes): Heteropolaria
lwoffi (FAURÉ-FREMIET, 1943)(Peritrichida: Epistylididae) und ihr Predator Pseudoamphileptus macrostoma (CHEN,
1955) nov. gen. (Pleurostomatida: Amphileptidae). – Zool. Jb. Syst., 110: 399–418. PDF (23 MB)
Foissner W. &
Adam H. (1983): Morphologie und Morphogenese des Bodenciliaten Oxytricha granulifera sp. n.
(Ciliophora, Oxytrichidae). – Zool. Scr., 12:
1–11. PDF (25 MB)
Foissner W. &
Adam H. (1983): Die Morphogenese von Urosomoida agiliformis FOISSNER, 1982 (Ciliophora, Oxytrichidae). –
Zool. Anz., 211: 161–176. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner W. &
Schubert G. (1983): Morphologische und diskriminanzanalytische
Trennung von Colpoda aspera KAHL,
1926 und Colpoda elliotti BRADBURY
& OUTKA, 1967 (Ciliophora: Colpodidae). – Acta Protozool., 22: 127–138. PDF (12 MB)
Foissner W. &
Rieder N. (1983): Licht- und rasterelektronenmikroskopische
Untersuchungen über die Infraciliatur von Loxodes
striatus (ENGELMANN, 1862) und Loxodes
magnus STOKES, 1887 (Protozoa: Ciliophora). – Zool. Anz., 210: 3–13. PDF (12 MB)
Foissner W. (1983):
Die Morphogenese von Urosoma macrostyla
(WRZESNIOWSKI, 1870) (Ciliophora: Oxytrichidae). – Arch. Protistenk., 127: 413–428. PDF (5 MB)
Foissner W. (1983): Estimation of
numbers of protista in soil: A test of the "direct" method. – J.
Protozool., 30: 49A, Abstr. 186. PDF (3 MB)
Berger H., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1983): Morphology and morphogenesis of Fuscheria terricola n. sp. and Spathidium muscorum (Ciliophora:
Kinetofragminophora). – J. Protozool., 30:
529–535. PDF (1 MB)
Berger H., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1983): Experimental studies about the effects of soil
compaction on the structure of the testacean and ciliate community. – J.
Protozool., 30: 49A–50A, Abstr. 187. PDF (3 MB)
Wirnsberger E., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1983): The infraciliature of Perispira and Cranotheridium
(Ciliophora, Spathidiidae). – J. Protozool., 30: 50A, Abstr. 188. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. & Didier P. (1983):
Nahrungsaufnahme, Lebenszyklus und Morphogenese von Pseudoplatyophrya nana (KAHL, 1926) (Ciliophora, Colpodida). –
Protistologica, 19: 103–109. PDF (14 MB)
Puytorac P. de, Didier P., Detcheva R. & Foissner W. (1983): Sur l'ultrastructure du cilié Colpodida Pseudoplatyophrya nana (KAHL, 1926). –
J. Protozool., 30: 73A, Abstr. 271. PDF (0.3
Puytorac P. de, Didier P., Detcheva R. & Foissner W. (1983): Sur l'ultrastructure du cilié Colpodida Pseudoplatyophrya nana (KAHL, 1926). –
Protistologica, 19: 423–434. PDF (43 MB)
Foissner W. (1983): Morphologie und
Morphogenese von Psilotricha succisa
(O. F. MÜLLER, 1786) nov. comb. (Ciliophora,
Hypotrichida). – Protistologica, 19: 479–493. PDF (31 MB)
(1983): Licht- und rasterelektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen zur
Schalenmorphologie und Rassenbildung bodenbewohnender Testaceen (Protozoa: Rhizopoda)
sowie Vorschläge zur biometrischen Charakterisierung von Testaceen-Schalen. –
Protistologica, 19: 553–566. PDF (23 MB)
Foissner W. (1983): Testacean
taxonomy from the view point of a ciliate specialist: an appeal for
quantification of testacean species descriptions. – III. Int. Workshop on
Taxon. and Ecol. of Testate Amoeba, Aachen, 1983: Abstr. unpag. PDF (0.3 MB)
Foissner W. (1983): Protargol
silver staining: a useful method in testacean taxonomy at the light
microscopical level. – III. Int. Workshop on Taxon. & Ecol. of Testate
Amoeba, Aachen, 1983: Abstr. unpag. PDF (0.3 MB)
Opitz H. & Foissner W. (1984):
Remalanechtoliv B: Ein Textilfarbstoff zur Darstellung der corticalen
Plattengrenzen von Euplotes
(Protozoa, Ciliophora). – Mikroskopie, 41:
26–29. PDF (5 MB)
Augustin H., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1984): An improved pyridinated silver carbonate method
which needs few specimens and yields permanent slides of impregnated ciliates
(Protozoa, Ciliophora). – Mikroskopie, 41:
134–137. PDF (6 MB)
Foissner W. (1984): Taxonomie und
Ökologie einiger Ciliaten (Protozoa, Ciliophora) des Saprobiensystems. I:
Genera Litonotus, Amphileptus, Opisthodon. – Hydrobiologia, 119:
193–208. PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W. (1984):
Infraciliatur, Silberliniensystem und Biometrie einiger neuer und wenig
bekannter terrestrischer, limnischer und mariner Ciliaten (Protozoa:
Ciliophora) aus den Klassen Kinetofragminophora, Colpodea und Polyhymenophora.
– Stapfia, Linz, 12: 1–165. PDF (12 MB)
Wirnsberger E., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1984): Morphologie und Infraciliatur von Perispira pyriformis nov. spec., Cranotheridium foliosus (FOISSNER, 1983)
nov. comb. und Dileptus anser (O. F.
MÜLLER, 1786) (Protozoa, Ciliophora). – Arch. Protistenk., 128: 305–317. PDF (19 MB)
Berger H., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1984): Taxonomie, Biometrie und Morphogenese einiger
terricoler Ciliaten (Protozoa: Ciliophora). – Zool. Jb. Syst., 111: 339–367. PDF (44 MB)
Wirnsberger E., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1984): Cortical pattern in non-dividers, dividers, and
reorganizers of an Austrian population of Paraurostyla
weissei (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida): a comparative morphological and
biometrical study. – J. Protozool., 31: 59A,
Abstr. 214. PDF (6 MB)
Berger H., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1984): Effects of ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4)
on soil testacea, ciliates, and nematodes. – J. Protozool., 31: 59A, Abstr. 215. PDF (6 MB)
115. Petz W., Foissner W.
& Adam H. (1984): Culture and
food selection in the autochthonous soil ciliate Grossglockneria acuta FOISSNER, 1980 (Ciliophora, Colpodida). – J.
Protozool., 31: 59A, Abstr. 216. PDF (6 MB)
Lüftenegger G., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1984): r- and K-strategies in soil ciliates of different
affinity to their habitats: A field and experimental approach. – J. Protozool.,
31: 59A–60A, Abstr. 217. PDF (6 MB)
Foissner W. (1984): The shape of
the left polykinetid: A new character for the discrimination of Colpoda aspera, C. elliotti, and Paracolpoda
steinii. – J. Protozool., 31: 60A,
Abstr. 218. PDF
(6 MB)
Foissner W. & Foissner I. (1984):
The fine structure of Spiromonas sp.,
an ectoparasitic flagellate on the ciliate Colpoda.
– J. Protozool., 31: 60A, Abstr. 219. PDF
(6 MB)
119. Foissner W., Adam H.
& Foissner I. (1984): Morphologie
und Infraciliatur von Ophrydium
eutrophicum FOISSNER, 1979 und Ophrydium
versatile (O. F. MÜLLER, 1786) (Ciliophora, Peritrichida). – Ber. Nat.-Med.
Ver. Salzburg, 7: 43–54. PDF (MB)
120. Foissner W. (1984): Morphologie und Infraciliatur einiger
limnischer Ciliaten (Protozoa: Ciliophora). – Schweiz. Z. Hydrol., 46: 210–223. PDF (11 MB)
Foissner W. & Foissner I. (1984):
First record of an ectoparasitic flagellate on ciliates: An ultrastructural
investigation of the morphology and the mode of attachment of Spiromonas gonderi nov. spec.
(Zoomastigophora, Spiromonadidae) invading the pellicle of ciliates of the
genus Colpoda. – Protistologica, 20: 635–648. PDF (39 MB)
Foissner W., Hoffmann G.L. & Mitchell A.J. (1985): Heteropolaria
colisarum FOISSNER & SCHUBERT, 1977 (Protozoa: Epistylididae) of North
American freshwater fishes. – J. Fish Deseases, 8: 145–160. PDF (24 MB)
Foissner W. (1985):
Klassifikation und Phylogenie der Colpodea (Protozoa: Ciliophora). – Arch. Protistenk., 129:
239–290. PDF (64 MB)
124. Foissner W. & Peer T. (1985):
Protozoologische Untersuchungen an Almböden im Gasteiner Tal (Zentralalpen,
Österreich). I. Charakteristik der Taxotope, Faunistik und Autökologie der
Testacea und Ciliophora. – Veröff. Österr. MaB-Programms, 9: 27–50. PDF (30 MB)
125. Peer T. & Foissner W. (1985):
Protozoologische Untersuchungen an Almböden im Gasteiner Tal (Zentralalpen,
Österreich). II. Bodenkundliche Analysen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der
stark belebten Zone. – Veröff. Österr. MaB-Programms, 9: 51–63. PDF (15 MB)
126. Foissner W. (1985): Protozoologische Untersuchungen an
Almböden im Gasteiner Tal (Zentralalpen, Österreich). III. Struktur und Dynamik
der Testaceen- und Ciliatentaxozönose. – Veröff. Österr. MaB-Programms, 9: 65–95. PDF (31 MB)
127. Berger H., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1985):
Protozoologische Untersuchungen an Almböden im Gasteiner Tal (Zentralalpen,
Österreich). IV. Experimentelle Studien zur Wirkung der Bodenverdichtung auf
die Struktur der Testaceen- und Ciliatenzönose. – Veröff. Österr.
MaB-Programms, 9: 97–112. PDF (1 MB)
Wirnsberger E., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1985): Morphological, biometric, and morphogenetic
comparison of two closely related species, Stylonychia
vorax and S. pustulata
(Ciliophora: Oxytrichidae). – J. Protozool., 32: 261–268. PDF (19 MB)
129. Foissner W. (1985): Morphologie und Infraciliatur der Genera Microthorax und Stammeridium und Klassifikation der Microthoracina JANKOWSKI, 1967 (Protozoa: Ciliophora). – Zool.
Anz., 214: 33–53. PDF (30 MB)
Lüftenegger G., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1985): r- and K-selection in soil ciliates: a field and
experimental approach. – Oecologia, 66: 574–579. PDF (13 MB)
Foissner W. (1985): Protozoa as
indicators in terrestrial ecosystems. – VII. Int. Congr. Protozool.
Abstracts, 1985: 132, Abstr. 313. PDF (0.3 MB)
Foissner W. & Foissner I. (1985):
Fine structure of the soil ciliates Enchelydium
polynucleatum and Fuscheria terricola
(Ciliophora, Haptoria). – VII. Int. Congr.
Protozool. Abstracts, 1985: 97, Abstr. 177. PDF (0.3 MB)
Foissner I. & Foissner W. (1985):
First electron microscopical record of an oomycetous fungus parasitizing
resting cysts of the hypotrich ciliate Kahliella
simplex. VII. Int. Congr. Protozool. Abstracts, 1985: 60, Abstr. 31. PDF (0.3 MB)
Oppelt A., Foissner W. & Hausmann K. (1985): Binary fission in the kinetofragminophoran
ciliate Homalozoon vermiculare: A
comparative light- and electron microscopical study. – VII. Int. Congr. Protozool.
Abstracts, 1985: 56, Abstr. 19. PDF (0.2 MB)
Ruch B., Kuhlmann S., Oppelt A., Foissner W. & Hausmann K. (1985): On the regeneration capacity of Homalozoon vermiculare after mechanical
amputation of the oral region. –VII. Int. Congr. Protozool.
Abstracts, 1985: 103, Abstr. 201. PDF (0.2 MB)
Wirnsberger E., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1985): Cortical pattern in non-dividers, dividers and
reorganizers of an Austrian population of Paraurostyla
weissei (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida): A comparative morphological and
biometrical study. – Zool. Scr., 14: 1–10. PDF (18 MB)
Petz W., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1985): Culture, food selection and growth rate in the
mycophagous ciliate Grossglockneria acuta
FOISSNER, 1980: first evidence of autochthonous soil ciliates. – Soil Biol.
Biochem., 17: 871–875. PDF (13 MB)
Foissner W., Peer
T. & Adam H. (1985): Pedologische und protozoologische
Untersuchung einiger Böden des Tullnerfeldes (Niederösterreich). – Mitt. öst.
bodenk. Ges., 30: 77–117. PDF (73 MB)
Foissner W. (1985): Die
Morphologie und die Infraciliatur einiger Ciliaten (Protozoa: Ciliophora) aus
dem Darm der Seeigel (Euechinoidea) Paracentrotus
lividus und Arbacia lixula. –
Arch. Protistenk., 130: 355–366. PDF (14 MB)
Foissner W. & Foissner I. (1985):
Oral monokinetids in the free-living haptorid ciliate Enchelydium polynucleatum (Ciliophora, Enchelyidae):
ultrastructural evidence and phylogenetic implications. – J. Protozool., 32: 712–722. PDF (31 MB)
Berger H., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1985): Morphological variation and comparative analysis
of morphogenesis in Parakahliella
macrostoma (FOISSNER, 1982) nov. gen. and Histriculus muscorum (KAHL, 1932), (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida). –
Protistologica, 21: 295–311. PDF (1.3 MB)
Wirnsberger E., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1985): Morphogenesis, fine structure, and phylogenetic
relationships of the "heterotrich" ciliate Bryometopus atypicus (Protozoa, Colpodea). – Annls Sci. nat. (Zool.),
7: 113–128. PDF (46 MB)
Bardele C.F., Foissner W. & Blanton R.L. (1985): Morphology and cell division in the
sorocarp-forming colpodid ciliate Sorogena
stoianovitchae. – J. Protozool. Abstracts, 1985: 22A, Abstr. 61. PDF (1 MB)
Petz W., Lüftenegger G., Berger H., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1985): Morphological and biometrical
characterization of 25 soil testacea. – J. Protozool. Abstracts, 1985: 22A, Abstr. 67. PDF (1 MB)
Wirnsberger E., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1985): Morphogenesis and ultrastructure of Bryometopus atypicus FOISSNER, 1980
(Ciliophora, Colpodea). – J. Protozool. Abstracts, 1985: 22A-23A, Abstr. 68. PDF (1 MB)
Augustin H., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1985): Morphological and biometrical characterization of
activated sludge ciliates. – J. Protozool. Abstracts, 1985: 23A, Abstr. 69. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner W. (1985):
Infraciliature and systematic position of the genus Stegochilum SCHEWIAKOFF, 1892 (Ciliophora, Tetrahymenina). – J.
Protozool. Abstracts, 1985: 23A,
Abstr. 70. PDF (1 MB)
Berger H., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1985): Response of soil testacea, ciliates, and
nematodes to fertilizers and lime: An experimental field study. – J. Protozool.
Abstracts, 1985: 23A, Abstr. 71. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner W. & Foissner I. (1985):
Oral monokinetids in the free-living haptorid ciliate Enchelydium polynucleatum (Ciliophora, Enchelyidae):
Ultrastructural evidence and phylogenetic implications. – J. Protozool.
Abstracts, 1985: 24A, Abstr. 72. PDF (1 MB)
150. Oppelt A., Foissner W.
& Hausmann K. (1985): Binary
fission in the kinetofragminophoran ciliate Homalozoon
vermiculare: A comparative light- and electron microscopical study. – J.
Protozool. Abstracts, 1985: 24A,
Abstr. 73. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner I. & Foissner W. (1986):
Ciliomyces spectabilis, nov. gen.,
nov. spec., a zoosporic fungus which parasitizes cysts of the ciliate Kahliella simplex I. Infection,
vegetative growth and sexual reproduction. – Z. Parasitenk., 72: 29–41. PDF (17 MB)
Foissner I. & Foissner W. (1986):
Ciliomyces spectabilis, nov. gen.,
nov. spec., a zoosporic fungus which parasitizes cysts of the ciliate Kahliella simplex II. Asexual
reproduction, life cycle and systematic account. – Z. Parasitenk., 72: 43–55. PDF (22 MB)
Foissner W. (1986):
Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bodenciliaten (Protozoa: Ciliophora) des Himalaja. –
Zool. Jb. Syst., 113: 45–53. PDF (10 MB)
154. Foissner W. (1986): Wimpertiere (Protozoa: Ciliophora) in
Flechten. – Kataloge des OÖ. Landesmuseums (N.
F.), 5: 43–46. PDF (0.5 MB)
155. Hausmann, K. & Foissner, W.
(1986): Das Pantoffeltierchen aus dem Heuaufguß gibt es nicht! Ein Irrtum, der
Jahrzehnte überdauert hat. – Mikrokosmos, 75:
193–197. PDF (5 MB)
156. Foissner W. (1986): Revision der Gattung Stegochilum SCHEWIAKOFF, 1892. – Acta
Protozool., 25: 1–14. PDF (30 MB)
Berger H., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1986):
Field experiments on the effects of fertilizers and lime on the soil microfauna
of an alpine pasture. – Pedobiologia, 29:
261–272. PDF (1 MB)
158. Foissner W. (1986): Protozoa as indicators of ecosystems. In:
LEE J.J. Protozoa as indicators of ecosystems. – Insect Sci. Applic., 7: 349–353. PDF (13 MB)
Wirnsberger E., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1986): Biometric and morphogenetic comparison of the
sibling species Stylonychia mytilus
and S. lemnae, including a
phylogenetic system for the oxytrichids (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida). – Arch.
Protistenk., 132: 167–185. PDF (3 MB)
Petz W., Foissner W., Wirnsberger E., Krautgartner W.D. & Adam H. (1986): Mycophagy, a new feeding strategy in
autochthonous soil ciliates. – Naturwissenschaften, 73: 560–561. PDF (3 MB)
161. Berger H. &
Foissner W. (1986): Guide-lines
for the Alpha-taxonomy of hypotrichous ciliates. – J. Protozool. Abstracts, 1986: Abstr. 136. PDF (4 MB)
162. Lüftenegger G., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1986):
Der Einfluß organischer und mineralischer Dünger auf die Bodenfauna einer
planierten, begrünten Schipiste oberhalb der Waldgrenze. – Z.
Vegetationstechnik, 9: 149–153. PDF (20 MB)
Foissner W. & Peer T. (1986):
The micro-edaphon in organically and conventionally farmed arable land near
Vienna. – J. Protozool. Abstracts, 1986: Abstr. 138. PDF (4 MB)
Augustin H., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1987): Redescription of Acineria incurvata DUJARDIN 1841, Trochiliopsis opaca PENARD 1922, and Trimyema compressa LACKEY, 1925 (Protozoa, Ciliophora). – J.
Protozool. Abstracts, 1986: Abstr.
134. PDF (4 MB)
Lüftenegger G., Foissner W., Berger H. & Adam H. (1986): Ciliatostasis and its disruption by human
influences. – J. Protozool. Abstracts, 1986:
Abstr. 139. PDF (4 MB)
Petz W., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1986): On the biology of mycophagous soil ciliates. – J.
Protozool. Abstracts, 1986: Abstr.
137. PDF (4 MB)
167. Ganner B., Foissner W.
& Adam H. (1986): Species
separation in hypotrichous ciliates by classical morphological methods. – J.
Protozool. Abstracts, 1986: Abstr.
135. PDF (4 MB)
Foissner W. (1987): The
micro-edaphon in ecofarmed and conventionally farmed dryland cornfields near
Vienna (Austria). – Biol. Fertil. Soils, 3: 45–49. PDF (14 MB)
Foissner W. (1987): Miscellanea
Nomenclatorica Ciliatea (Protozoa: Ciliophora). – Arch. Protistenk., 133:
219–235. PDF (8 MB)
Foissner W. (1987): Soil
protozoa: fundamental problems, ecological significance, adaptations in
ciliates and testaceans, bioindicators, and guide to the literature. – Progr. Protistol.,
2: 69–212. PDF (214 MB)
171. Foissner W. (1987): Neue und wenig bekannte hypotriche und
colpodide Ciliaten (Protozoa: Ciliophora) aus Böden und Moosen. – Zool. Beitr.
N. F., 31: 187–282. PDF (125 MB)
Foissner W. (1987):
Faunistische und taxonomische Notizen über die Protozoen des Fuscher Tales
(Salzburg, Österreich). – Jber. Haus Nat. Salzburg, 10: 56–68. PDF (3 MB)
173. Foissner W. (1987): Neue terrestrische und limnische
Ciliaten (Protozoa, Ciliophora) aus Österreich und Deutschland. – Sber. Akad.
Wiss. Wien, 195: 217–268. PDF (5 MB)
Augustin H., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1987): A sewage plant as a remarkable new habitat of the
fresh-water polyp Craspedacusta sowerbii
(Hydrozoa: Coelenterata). – Limnologica (Berlin), 18: 225–226. PDF (1 MB)
175. Hausmann K. & Foissner W. (1987):
Systematisieren von Einzellern: Ein Unterfangen mit Fallstricken. –
Mikrokosmos, 76: 258–265. PDF (13 MB)
Schönborn W., Petz W., Wanner M. & Foissner W. (1987): Observations on the morphology and ecology
of the soil-inhabiting testate amoeba Schoenbornia
humicola (SCHÖNBORN, 1964) DECLOITRE, 1964 (Protozoa, Rhizopoda). – Arch. Protistenk.,
134: 315–330. PDF (6 MB)
Foissner W., Franz
H. & Adam H. (1987): Untersuchungen über das Bodenleben in
ökologisch und konventionell bewirtschafteten Acker- und Grünlandböden im Raum
Salzburg. – Verh. Ges. Ökol., 15: 333–339. PDF (11 MB)
Foissner I. & Foissner W. (1987):
The fine structure of the resting cysts of Kahliella
simplex (Ciliata, Hypotrichida). – Zool. Anz., 218: 65–74. PDF (15 MB)
Wirnsberger E. & Foissner W. (1987): Morphologie von Holosticha xanthichroma sp. n. und die Variabilität der
Infraciliatur in der Gattung Holosticha
(Ciliophora, Hypotrichida). – Acta Protozool., 26: 1–7. PDF (12 MB)
Berger H. & Foissner W. (1987):
Morphology and biometry of some soil hypotrichs (Protozoa: Ciliophora). – Zool.
Jb. Syst., 114: 193–239. PDF (63 MB)
Augustin H., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1987): Revision of the genera Acineria, Trimyema and Trochiliopsis (Protozoa, Ciliophora). –
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), 52: 197–224. PDF (40 MB)
182. Rydlo M. &
Foissner W. (1987): Beitrag zur
Taxonomie und Therapie von Chilodonella
cyprini und C. hexasticha. In:
Dt. Veterinärmed. Ges. (ed.), Giessen/Lahn, München, 1986, 173–184. PDF (13 MB)
183. Ganner B., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1987):
Morphogenetic and biometric comparison of four populations of Urosomoida agiliformis (Ciliophora,
Hypotrichida). – Annls Sci. nat. (Zool.), 8:
199–207. PDF (19 MB)
Foissner W., Schlegel M. & Prescott D.M. (1987): Morphology and morphogenesis of Onychodromus quadricornutus n. sp. (Ciliophora,
Hypotrichida), an extraordinarily large ciliate with dorsal horns. – J.
Protozool., 34: 150–159. PDF (3 MB)
Berger H. & Foissner W. (1987):
Morphogenesis and systematic position of Oxytricha
gigantea HORVATH, 1933 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida). – J. Protozool.
Abstracts, 1987: Abstr. 124. PDF (3 MB)
186. Foissner W. &
O'Donoghue P.J. (1987): Protozoology
in Australia: Current status. – J. Protozool. Abstracts, 1987: Abstr. 125. PDF (3 MB)
187. Petz W., Haselwandter
K., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1987): The food
spectrum of the mycophagous soil ciliates Grossglockneria
acuta and Pseudoplathyophrya nana.
– J. Protozool. Abstracts, 1987: Abstr.
126. PDF (3 MB)
188. Ganner B., Foissner W.
& Adam H. (1987): Bursostoma bursaria: An ophryoglenid
ciliate. – J. Protozool. Abstracts, 1987: Abstr. 127. PDF (3 MB)
189. Lüftenegger G.,
Foissner W. & Adam H. (1987): Bioindication
by soil protozoans - exemplified on a levelled, recultivated ski slope. – J.
Protozool. Abstracts, 1987: Abstr.
129. PDF (3 MB)
190. Foissner W. (1987): Ökologische Bedeutung und
bioindikatives Potential der Bodenprotozoen. – Verh. Ges. Ökol., 16: 45–52. PDF (12 MB)
Foissner W. (1988): Taxonomie und
Ökologie einiger Ciliaten (Protozoa, Ciliophora) des Saprobiensystems. II. Familie Chilodonellidae. – Hydrobiologia, 162: 21–45. PDF (2 MB)
192. Petz W., Wirnsberger E. & Foissner W. (1988):
Die Kleintiere in den Fichtenwaldböden des Oberen Mühlviertels. Leicht zu
übersehen, aber sehr wichtig. In: Land
Oberösterreich (ed.), Das Mühlviertel. Natur, Kultur, Leben (Beiträge),
p 77–88. Wimmer-Druck, Linz. PDF (3 MB)
Berger H. &
Foissner W. (1988): The morphogenesis of Kahliella franzi (FOISSNER, 1982) nov. comb. and Oxytricha gigantea HORVÁTH, 1933
(Ciliophora, Hypotrichida). – Arch. Protistenk.,
136: 65–77. PDF (1 MB)
Lüftenegger G., Petz W., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1988): The efficiency of a direct counting method
in estimating the numbers of microscopic soil organisms. – Pedobiologia, 31: 95–101. PDF (10 MB)
Berger H. & Foissner W. (1988):
Revision of Lamtostyla BUITKAMP, 1977
and description of Territricha nov.
gen. (Ciliophora: Hypotrichida). – Zool.
Anz., 220: 113–134. PDF (22 MB)
196. Lüftenegger G., Petz
W., Berger H., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1988): Morphologic and biometric characterization of
twenty-four soil testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda). – Arch. Protistenk.,
136: 153–189. PDF (12 MB)
Foissner W. (1988): Taxonomic and
nomenclatural revision of Sládecek's list of ciliates (Protozoa: Ciliophora) as
indicators of water quality. – Hydrobiologia, 166: 1–64. PDF (4 MB)
198. Foissner W. &
Foissner I. (1988): The fine
structure of Fuscheria terricola
BERGER et al., 1983 and a proposed new classification of the subclass Haptoria
CORLISS, 1974 (Ciliophora, Litostomatea). – Arch. Protistenk.,
135: 213–235. PDF (46 MB)
199. Blatterer H. & Foissner W. (1988):
Beitrag zur terricolen Ciliatenfauna (Protozoa: Ciliophora) Australiens. –
Stapfia, Linz, 17: 1–84. PDF (5 MB)
200. Foissner W. (1988): Gemeinsame Arten in der terricolen
Ciliatenfauna (Protozoa: Ciliophora) von Australien und Afrika. – Stapfia,
Linz, 17: 85–133. PDF (2.5 MB)
Foissner W., Blatterer H. & Foissner I. (1988): The Hemimastigophora (Hemimastix amphikineta nov. gen., nov. spec.), a new protistan
phylum from Gondwanian soils. – Europ. J. Protistol., 23: 361–383. PDF (18 MB)
Petz W. & Foissner W. (1988):
Spatial separation of terrestrial ciliates and testaceans (Protozoa): a
contribution to soil ciliatostasis. – Acta Protozool., 27: 249–258. PDF (17 MB)
Foissner W. & Foissner I. (1988):
Stamm: Ciliophora. – Catalogus Faunae Austriae, Ic: 1–147. PDF (39 MB)
Ganner B., Foissner W. & Adam H. (1988): Morphology and morphogenesis of Bursostoma bursaria VÖRÖSVÁRY, 1950
(Ciliophora, Ophryoglenina). – Annls Sci. nat. (Zool.), 9: 3–11. PDF (19 MB)
Foissner W., Blatterer H. & Foissner I. (1988): The Hemimastigophora, a new protistan phylum from
Gondwanian soils. – J. Protozool. Suppl., 36:
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Foissner W., Skogstad A. & Pratt J.R. (1988): Morphology and infraciliature of Trochiliopsis australis n. sp., Pelagohalteria viridis (FROMENTEL, 1876)
n. g., n. comb., and Strobilidium
lacustris n. sp. (Protozoa, Ciliophora).
– J. Protozool., 35: 489–497. PDF (3 MB)
207. Augustin H. & Foissner W. (1989):
Morphologie einiger Ciliaten (Protozoa: Ciliophora) aus dem Belebtschlamm. –
Lauterbornia, 1: 38–59. PDF (6 MB)
Augustin H., Foissner W. & Bauer R. (1989): Counting of protozoa and small metazoa in activated
sludge. – XXIV. Congress of the International Assosciation of Limnology 1989,
Abstr. p. 177. PDF (40 MB)
Wirnsberger-Aescht E., Foissner W. & Foissner I. (1989): Morphogenesis and ultrastructure of the
soil ciliate Engelmanniella mobilis
(Ciliophora, Hypotrichida). – Europ. J.
Protistol., 24: 354–368. PDF (10 MB)
210. Foissner W. (1989): Morphologie und Infraciliatur einiger
neuer und wenig bekannter terrestrischer und limnischer Ciliaten (Protozoa,
Ciliophora). – Sber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 196:
173–247. PDF (48 MB)
211. Augustin H., Foissner W. & Bauer R. (1989):
Die Zählung von Protozoen und kleinen Metazoen im Belebtschlamm. – Acta
hydrochim. hydrobiol., 17: 375–386. PDF (22 MB)
Berger H. & Foissner W. (1989):
Morphology and morphogenesis of Parakahliella
haideri nov. spec. (Ciliophora,
Hypotrichida). – Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist.
(Zool.), 55: 11–17. PDF (22 MB)
213. Berger H. &
Foissner W. (1989): Morphology
and biometry of some soil hypotrichs (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from Europe and
Japan. – Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. (Zool.), 55: 19–46. PDF (54 MB)
214. Meyer E., Foissner W. & Aescht E. (1989):
Vielfalt und Leistung der Tiere im Waldboden. – Öst. Forstz., 3: 15–18. PDF (2 MB)
Petz W. & Foissner W. (1989):
The effects of mancozeb and lindane on the soil microfauna of a spruce forest:
A field study using a completely randomized block design. – Biol. Fertil.
Soils, 7: 225–231. PDF (15 MB)
FOISSNER, W. (1989): Stamm: Rhizopoda. Catalogus Faunae Austriae, Teil 1a, 79 pp. PDF (22 MB)
217. Lüftenegger G. & Foissner W. (1989):
Bodenzoologische Untersuchungen an ökologisch und konventionell
bewirtschafteten Weinbergen. – Landw. Forsch., 42: 105–113. PDF (20 MB)
Ryan P.G., Watkins B.P., Lewis Smith R.I., Dastych H., Eicker A.,
Foissner W., Heatwole H., Miller W.R. & Thompson G. (1989): Biological survey of Robertskollen, western
Dronning Maud Land: area description and preliminary species lists. – S. Afr.
T. Anarct., 19: 10–20. PDF (4 MB)
219. Lüftenegger G. & Foissner W. (1989):
Bodenzoologische Untersuchungen. In: KASPEROWSKI E. & FRANK E. (eds),
Boden- und Vegetationsuntersuchungen im Bereich der Scheitelstrecke der
Tauernautobahn. Umweltbundesamt Wien, Monographie, 15: 88–93. PDF not yet available (MB)
Ganner B. & Foissner W. (1989):
Taxonomy and ecology of some ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) of the saprobic
system. III. Revision of the genera Colpidium
and Dexiostoma, and establishment of
a new genus, Paracolpidium nov. gen.
– Hydrobiologia, 182: 181–218. PDF (75 MB)
221. Petz W. & Foissner
W. (1989): Effects of irrigation on
the protozoan fauna of a spruce forest. – Verh. Ges. Ökol.,
17: 397–399. PDF (0.8 MB)
222. Foissner W. (1989): Ciliatostasis: Ein neuer Ansatz zum
Verständnis terricoler Protozoen-Zönosen. – Verh. Ges. Ökol., 17: 371–377. PDF (11 MB)
223. Foissner W. (1989): Bodenzoologische Untersuchungen an ökologisch
und konventionell bewirtschafteten Acker- und Grünlandflächen. In: Academia Cosmologica Nova (ed.), Ökosysteme
in der Wald & Gebirgsregion, pp. 166–176. PDF (13 MB)
224. Wanner M., Foissner W. & Funke W. (1987):
Die Testaceenzönosen (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) in Fichtenforsten Süddeutschlands. –
Verh. dt. zool. Ges., 80: 201–202,
Abstr. PDF (0.02 MB)
Foissner W. (1990):
Kuehneltiella terricola gen. nov.,
sp. nov. - a carnivorous ciliate (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from a sandy soil in
Australia. – Biol. Fertil. Soils, 9: 110–118. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. & O'Donoghue P.J. (1990): Morphology and infraciliature of some freshwater
ciliates (Protozoa: Ciliophora) from western and south Australia. – Invertebr.
Taxon., 3: 661–696. PDF (5 MB)
Foissner W. (1990): Dynamics of
ecology of free-living protozoa. – Zool. Sci. Suppl., 7: 155–165. PDF (17 MB)
228. Blatterer H. & Foissner W. (1990):
Beiträge zur Ciliatenfauna (Protozoa: Ciliophora) der Amper (Bayern,
Bundesrepublik Deutschland). – Arch. Protistenk., 138: 93–115. PDF (4 MB)
Wirnsberger-Aescht E., Foissner W. & Foissner I. (1990): Natural and cultured variability of Engelmanniella mobilis (Ciliophora,
Hypotrichida); with notes on the ultrastructure of its resting cyst. – Arch.
Protistenk., 138: 29–49. PDF (26 MB)
Aescht E. & Foissner W. (1990):
Effects of organic fertilizers on the soil microfauna of a spruce forest. – J.
Protozool. Abstracts, 37: Abstr. 52.
PDF (40 MB)
Foissner W. & Blatterer H. (1990):
New ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from Australia and Africa. – J. Protozool.
Abstracts, 37: Abstr. 53. PDF (40 MB)
Petz W. & Foissner W. (1990):
The effects of pesticides on the soil fauna of a spruce forest with special
regard to protozoa. – J. Protozool. Abstracts, 37: Abstr. 55. PDF (40 MB)
Lüftenegger G. & Foissner W. (1990): Investigations on the soil fauna of ecofarmed and
conventionally farmed vineyards. – J. Protozool. Abstracts, 37: Abstr. 57. PDF (40 MB)
Foissner W. (1990): Systematic
position of the enigmatic soil ciliate Colpodidium
caudatum WILBERT, 1982. – J. Protozool., 37: 60A, Abstr. 284. PDF (40 MB)
235. Foissner W., Oleksiv I. & Müller H. (1990):
Morphologie und Infraciliatur einiger Ciliaten (Protozoa: Ciliophora) aus
stagnierenden Gewässern. – Arch. Protistenk., 138: 191–206. PDF (20 MB)
236. Foissner W., Buchgraber K. & Berger H. (1990):
Bodenfauna, Vegetation und Ertrag bei ökologisch und konventionell
bewirtschaftetem Grünland: Eine Feldstudie mit randomisierten Blöcken. – Mitt.
öst. bodenk. Ges., 41: 5–33. PDF (1 MB)
Aescht E. & Foissner W. (1990):
Systematic position of the genus Avestina
(Ciliophora, Colpodida) and morphology and ecology of Avestina ludwigi nov. spec. – Zool. Anz., 225: 101–111. PDF (5 MB)
238. Foissner W. (1990): Soil flagellates. In: (Collection of
Abstracts) First International Symposium on Free-Living Heterotrophic
Flagellates. Helsingor, Denmark, August 1990. – Hektogr.: Abstr. PDF (40 MB)
Krainer K.-H. & Foissner W. (1990): Revision of the genus Askenasia BLOCHMANN, 1895, with proposal of two new species, and
description of Rhabdoaskenasia minima
n. g., n. sp. (Ciliophora, Cyclotrichida). – J. Protozool., 37: 414–427. PDF (2 MB)
240. Foissner W. (1990): Preface of the editor. –
Biol. Fertil. Soils, 9: 89. PDF not yet available (MB)
241. Foissner W. (1991): Die Ciliaten astatischer Gewässer
r-Strategen und Überlebenskünstler. – Biologie in unserer Zeit, 21: 100–102. PDF (3 MB)
242. Aescht E., Foissner W.
& Mulisch M. (1991):
Ultrastructure of the mycophagous ciliate Grossglockneria
acuta (Ciliophora, Colpodea) and phylogenetic affinities of colpodid
ciliates. – Europ. J. Protistol., 26: 350–364. PDF (35 MB)
Bardele C.F., Foissner W. & Blanton R.L. (1991): Morphology, morphogenesis and systematic position
of the sorocarp forming ciliate Sorogena
stoianovitchae BRADBURY & OLIVE, 1980. – J. Protozool., 38: 7–17. PDF (4 MB)
244. Lüftenegger G. &
Foissner W. (1991): Morphology
and biometry of twelve soil testate amoebae (Protozoa, Rhizopoda) from
Australia, Africa, and Austria. – Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist.
(Zool.), 57: 1–16. PDF (11 MB)
Aescht E., Foissner W. & Mulisch M. (1991): Ultrastructure of the mycophagous ciliate Grossglockneria acuta (Ciliophora,
Colpodea) and phylogenetic affinities of colpodid ciliates. – 7th Conference on
Ciliate Biology, Toledo, Collection of Abstracts. PDF (40 MB)
Foissner W., Blatterer H., Berger H. & Kohmann F. (1991): The ciliate atlas - morphology and ecology
of the ciliated protozoa used as indicators of water quality. – 7th
Conference on Ciliate Biology, Toledo, Collection of Abstracts. PDF (40 MB)
Foissner W., Blatterer H., Berger H. & Kohmann F. (1991): The ciliate atlas - morphology and ecology
of the ciliated protozoa used as indicators of water quality. –
Deutschsprachige Limnologentagung, Mondsee, Sammlung der Abstracts. PDF (40 MB)
248. Foissner W., Blatterer H., Berger H. & Kohmann F. (1991):
Taxonomische und ökologische Revision der Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems. – VDI-Tagung, Wien, Sammlung der Abstracts. PDF (40 MB)
249. Wodarz D., Aescht E. & Foissner W. (1991):
Der bodenbiologische Index (BI) - ein quantitatives Maß für die Bodenqualität.
– 21. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie, Berlin, Sammlung der
Abstracts, p. 30. PDF (40 MB)
250. Foissner W., Blatterer H., Berger H. & Kohmann F. (1991):
Taxonomische und ökologische Revision der Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems - Band
I: Cyrtophorida, Oligotrichida, Hypotrichia, Colpodea. – Informationsberichte
Bayer. Landesamt für Wasserwirtschaft, München, 1/91: 478 pp. PDF (28 MB), PDF (280 MB)
251. Foissner W. (1991): Basic light and scanning electron
microscopic methods for taxonomic studies of ciliated protozoa. – Europ. J.
Protistol., 27: 313–330. PDF (13 MB), PDF (16 MB)
Foissner W. (1991): Diversity and
ecology of soil flagellates. In: PATTERSON P. & LARSEN J. (eds.), The
biology of free-living heterotrophic flagellates. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 54: 93–112. PDF (8 MB)
253. Foissner W., Blatterer H., Berger H. & Kohmann F. (1991):
Taxonomische und ökologische Revision der Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems. –
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie, erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der
Jahrestagung 1991, pp. 505–509,
Frank, München 1991. PDF (2 MB)
254. Foissner W. (1991): Mikroorganismen in extremen
Lebensräumen. Protozoen im Belebtschlamm. Mikroaerobier und Bioindikatoren. –
Biologie in unserer Zeit, 21: 326–328. PDF (2 MB)
Eigner P. &
Foissner W. (1991): Orthoamphisiella
stramenticola nov. gen., nov. spec., a new hypotrichous ciliate
(Ciliophora: Hypotrichida) occurring in walnut leaf litter. – Acta Protozool., 30: 129–133. PDF (3 MB)
256. Aescht E. & Foissner W. (1991):
Bioindikation mit mikroskopisch kleinen Bodentieren. – VDI-Berichte, 901: 985–1002. PDF (9 MB)
Blatterer H. & Foissner W. (1992):
Morphology and infraciliature of some cyrtophorid ciliates (Protozoa,
Ciliophora) from freshwater and soil. – Arch. Protistenk., 142: 101–118. PDF (10 MB), PDF (15
258. Foissner W. & Moog O. (1992):
Die Gewässergüte der unteren Traun im Spiegel ihrer Wimpertier-Gesellschaften.
– Kataloge des OÖ. Landesmuseums (N. F.), 54:
99–108. PDF (1 MB)
Aescht E. & Foissner W. (1992):
Enumerating soil testate amoebae by direct counting. In: LEE J.J. & SOLDO A.T. (eds.), Protocols in Protozoology. Allen
Press, Lawrence, B-6.1 – B-6.4. PDF (8 MB)
Aescht E. & Foissner W. (1992):
Enumerating active soil ciliates by direct counting. In: LEE J.J. & SOLDO
A.T. (eds.), Protocols in Protozoology. Allen Press, Lawrence, B-7.1 – B-7.4. PDF (5 MB)
Augustin H. & Foissner W. (1992):
Enumeration of protists and small metazoans in activated sludge. In: LEE J.J.
& SOLDO A.T. (eds.), Protocols in Protozoology. Allen Press, Lawrence, B-8.1 – B-8.2. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. (1992): Estimating
the species richness of soil protozoa using the "non-flooded petri dish
method". In: LEE J.J. & SOLDO A.T. (eds.), Protocols in Protozoology.
Allen Press, Lawrence, B-10.1 –
B-10.2. PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W. (1992): Evaluating
water quality using protozoa and saprobity indexes. In: LEE J.J. & SOLDO
A.T. (eds.), Protocols in Protozoology. Allen Press, Lawrence, B-11.1 – B-11.20. PDF (29 MB)
Foissner W. (1992): Protargol
methods. In: LEE J.J. & SOLDO A.T. (eds.), Protocols in Protozoology. Allen
Press, Lawrence, C-6.1 – C-6.8. PDF (15 MB)
Foissner W. (1992): The silver
carbonate methods. In: LEE J.J. & SOLDO A.T. (eds.), Protocols in
Protozoology. Allen Press, Lawrence, C-7.1
– C-7.4. PDF (7 MB)
Foissner W. (1992): The
"wet" silver nitrate method. In: LEE J.J. & SOLDO A.T. (eds.),
Protocols in Protozoology. Allen Press, Lawrence, C-8.1 – C-8.5. PDF (7 MB)
Foissner W. (1992): Supravital
staining with methyl green-pyronin. In: LEE J.J. & SOLDO A.T. (eds.),
Protocols in Protozoology. Allen Press, Lawrence, C-9.1 – C-9.2. PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W. (1992): Observing
living ciliates. In: LEE J.J. & SOLDO A.T. (eds.), Protocols in
Protozoology. Allen Press, Lawrence, C-10.1
– C-10.2. PDF (2 MB)
269. Foissner W., Berger H.
& Kohmann F. (1992): Taxonomische
und ökologische Revision der Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems -
Band II: Peritrichia, Heterotrichida, Odontostomatida. – Informationsberichte
des Bayer. Landesamtes für Wasserwirtschaft, 5/92: 502 pp. PDF (37 MB), PDF (300
Foissner W. (1992): The
"dry" silver nitrate method. In: LEE J.J. & SOLDO A.T. (eds.),
Protocols in Protozoology. Allen Press, Lawrence, C-11.1 – C-11.4. PDF (7 MB)
Foissner W. (1992): Preparation
of samples for scanning electron microscopy. In: LEE J.J. & SOLDO A.T.
(eds.), Protocols in Protozoology. Allen Press, Lawrence, C-20.1 – C-20.5 PDF (8 MB)
Foissner W. (1992): Comparative
studies on the soil life in ecofarmed and conventionally farmed fields and
grasslands of Austria. – Agric. Ecosyst. Environm., 40: 207–218.
PDF (6 MB)
Eigner P. & Foissner W. (1992):
Divisional morphogenesis in Bakuella
pampinaria nov. spec. and reevaluation of the classification of the
urostylids (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida). – Europ. J. Protistol., 28: 460–470. PDF (7 MB)
Wodarz D., Aescht E. & Foissner W. (1992): A Weighted Coenotic Index (WCI): Description and
application to soil animal assemblages. – Biol. Fertil. Soils, 14: 5–13. PDF (7 MB)
Augustin H. &
Foissner W. (1992): Morphologie und Ökologie einiger Ciliaten
(Protozoa: Ciliophora) aus dem Belebtschlamm. – Arch. Protistenk., 141:
243–283. PDF (20 MB)
Leipe D.D., Oppelt A., Hausmann K. & Foissner W. (1992): Stomatogenesis in the ditransversal ciliate
Homalozoon vermiculare (Ciliophora,
Rhabdophora). – Europ. J. Protistol., 28:
198–213. PDF (12 MB)
Petz W. & Foissner W. (1992):
Morphology and morphogenesis of Strobilidium
caudatum (FROMENTEL) Meseres corlissi
n. sp., Halteria grandinella
(MÜLLER), and Strombidium rehwaldi n.
sp., and a proposed phylogenetic system for oligotrich ciliates (Protozoa,
Ciliophora). – J. Protozool., 39: 159–176.
PDF (5 MB), PDF (14 MB)
Foissner W., Unterweger A. & Henschel T. (1992): Comparison of direct stream bed and artificial
substrate sampling of ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in a mesosaprobic river.
– Limnologica (Berlin), 22: 97–104. PDF (5 MB)
279. Aescht E. &
Foissner W. (1992): Biology of a
high-rate activated sludge plant of a pharmaceutical company. – Arch.
Hydrobiol. Suppl., 90: 207–251. PDF (15 MB)
280. Foissner W., Unterweger A. & Henschel T. (1992):
Beitrag zur Ciliatenfauna (Protozoa: Ciliophora) einiger Seitenbäche der Amper
(Oberbayern, Deutschland). – Lauterbornia, 9:
45–57. PDF (1 MB)
Aescht E. & Foissner W. (1992):
Effects of mineral and organic fertilizers on the microfauna in a high-altitude
reafforestation trial. – Biol. Fertil. Soils, 13: 17–24. PDF (5 MB)
282. Foissner W., Blatterer H., Berger H. & Kohmann F. (1992):
Taxonomische und ökologische Revision der Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems. In:
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologen (Hrsg.): Erweiterte Zusammenfassungen der
Jahrestagung 1991, 30.9. –6.10.1991,
Mondsee, pp. 505–508. PDF (2 MB)
Berthold A. & Foissner W. (1992):
Singh's dilution culture method is inappropriate for estimating individual
numbers of active soil ciliates (Protozoa). – Jyväskylä Congress Publications, 3: 148, Abstr. PDF (40 MB)
Foissner I. & Foissner W. (1992):
The fine structure of two new hemimastigophoran flagellates related to Spironema multiciliatum KLEBS, 1893. –
Europ. J. Protistol., 28: 340,
Abstr. 46. PDF (40 MB)
Foissner W. (1992): On the
biology and ecology of mycophagous soil protozoa. – Europ. J. Protistol., 28: 340, Abstr. 47. PDF (40 MB)
Foissner W., Berger H. & Kohmann F. (1992): Taxonomische und ökologische Revision der
Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems - Band II: Peritrichia, Heterotrichida,
Odontostomatida. Jahrestag. dt.-sprach. Limnol., 5.-9.10.1992, Konstanz, Abstr. PDF (40 MB)
Foissner W., Blatterer H., Berger H. & Kohmann F. (1992): The ciliate atlas - morphology and ecology
of the ciliated protozoa used as indicators of water quality. – J. Protozool., 39: 45A, Abstr. 238. PDF (40 MB)
Aescht E. & Foissner W. (1992):
Biology of a high-rate activated sludge plant of a pharmaceutical company. – J.
Protozool., 39: 12A, Abstr. 70. PDF (40 MB)
Aescht E., Foissner W. & Mulisch M. (1992): Ultrastructure of the mycophagous ciliate Grossglockneria acuta (Ciliophora,
Colpodea) and phylogenetic affinities of colpodid ciliates. – J. Protozool., 39: 12A, Abstr. 72. PDF (40 MB)
Berger H. & Foissner W. (1992):
Polyhymenophora JANKOWSKI, 1967: a new name for the spirotrichs of BÜTSCHLI? –
J. Protozool., 39: 13A, Abstr. 77. PDF (40 MB)
Petz W. & Foissner W. (1992): Phylogenetic
relationships in oligotrich ciliates. – J. Protozool. 39: 16A, Abstr. 93. PDF (40 MB)
292. Foissner W. (1992): Zerstören die Bauern das Bodenleben?
Ergebnisse einer Vergleichsstudie zur konventionellen und biologischen
Landwirtschaft. – Info-Z (Salzburg), 1992/1:
23. PDF (40 MB)
Foissner I. und Foissner W.
(1993): Revision of the family Spironemidae Doflein (Protista,
Hemimastigophora), with description of two new species, Spironema terricola n. sp. and Stereonema
geiseri n.g., n. sp. – J. Euk. Microbiol., 40: 422–438. PDF (7 MB), PDF (60
Foissner W. (1993): Colpodea
(Ciliophora). – Fischer, Stuttgart, Protozoenfauna, 4: I–X + 798 p. PDF (410 MB), PDF (340 MB)
Aescht E. & Foissner W. (1993):
Effects of organically enriched magnesite fertilizers on the soil ciliates of a
spruce forest. – Pedobiologia, 37: 321–335.
PDF (20 MB)
Eigner P. & Foissner W. (1993):
Divisional morphogenesis in Orthoamphisiella
stramenticola EIGNER & FOISSNER, 1991 and O. grelli nov. spec. (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida). – Arch.
Protistenk., 143: 337–345. PDF (15 MB)
Foissner W. (1993): Idiocolpoda pelobia gen. n., sp. n., a
new colpodid ciliate (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from an ephemeral stream in Hawaii.
– Acta Protozool., 32: 175–182. PDF (4 MB)
Petz W. & Foissner W. (1993):
Morphogenesis in some freshwater tintinnids (Ciliophora, Oligotrichida). –
Europ. J. Protistol., 29: 106–120. PDF (8 MB), PDF (38 MB)
299. FOISSNER W. (1993): Die Ciliaten der astatischen
Gewässer und des Bodens. In: Extremophile – Mikroorganismen in
ausgefallenen Lebensräumen (Hrsg. HAUSMANN K. und KREMER B. P.), pp. 195–208, VCH Verlag, Weiheim und Tokyo 1993. PDF (3 MB)
300. Foissner W. (1993): Mikrofauna. In: SCHINNER F., ÖHLINGER
R., KANDELER E. & MARGESIN R. (Hrsg.), Bodenbiologische Arbeitsmethoden. 2.
Aufl., Springer Verl., Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 289–311. PDF (21 MB)
301. Foissner W. & Foissner I. (1993):
The Hemimastigophora, remarkable heterotrophic flagellates possibly related to
euglenoid protists. – Verh. dt. zool. Ges., 86.1: 136, Abstr. PDF (40 MB)
Wodarz D., Aescht E. & Foissner W. (1993): A weighted coenotic index (WCI): description and
application to soil animal communities. – J. Euk. Microbiol., Suppl. Soc.
Protozool. 1992 Abstracts, 40: 20A,
Abstr. 116. PDF (40 MB)
Berthold A. & Foissner W. (1993):
Singh's dilution culture method is inappropriate for estimating individual
numbers of active soil ciliates. – J. Euk. Microbiol., 40: 17A, Abstr. 98. PDF (40 MB)
Eigner P. & Foissner W. (1993):
Divisional morphogensis in Bakuella
sp. and re-evaluation of the classification of urostylid hypotrichs
(Ciliophora). – J. Euk. Microbiol., Suppl. Soc. Protozool. 1992, Abstracts, 40: 17A, Abstr. 102. PDF (40 MB)
Foissner W., Blatterer H., Berger H. & Kohmann F. (1993): The ciliate atlas - morphology and ecology
of the ciliated protozoa used as indicators of water quality. – J. Euk.
Microbiol., Suppl. Soc. Protozool. 1992 Abstracts, 40: 18A, Abstr. 103. PDF (40 MB)
Petz W. & Foissner W. (1993):
Morphogenesis in some freshwater tintinnids (Ciliophora, Oligotricha). – J.
Euk. Microbiol., Suppl. Soc. Protozool. 1992, Abstracts, 40: 19A, Abstr. 109. PDF (40 MB)
Aescht E. & Foissner W. (1993):
Effects of organically enriched magnesite fertilizers on the soil ciliates and
testate amoebae of a spruce forest. – IX. Int. Congr. of Protozoology, July
25.-31., 1993, Berlin, Germany, Abstr.:
3, Abstr. 1. PDF (40 MB)
Berger H., Foissner W. & Kohmann F. (1993): The ciliate atlas: an unique guide to the
identification and ecology of freshwater ciliates. – IX. Int. Congr. of
Protozoology, July 25.-31., 1993, Berlin, Germany, Abstr.: 12, Abstr. 37. PDF (40 MB)
Berthold A. & Foissner W. (1993):
Methodological problems in soil protozoology: abundance estimation of active
ciliates. – IX. Int. Congr. of Protozoology, July 25. –31. 1993, Berlin,
Germany, Abstr.: 13, Abstr. 41. PDF (40 MB)
(1993): Revision of the genus Gastronauta
BÜTSCHLI, 1889 (Ciliophora, Chlamydodontidae). – IX. Int. Congr. Protozool., p.
14 (Abstr.: 48). PDF (40 MB)
Foissner I. & Foissner W. (1993):
The fine structure of Cirrophrya
terricola and Cosmocolpoda
naschbergeri, two unusual colpodid ciliates from soil. – IX. Int. Congr. of
Protozoology, July 25.-31., 1993, Berlin, Germany, Abstr.: 40, Abstr. 150. PDF (40 MB)
Foissner W. (1993): Protozoa as
bioindicators in polluted soils. – IX. Int. Congr. of Protozoology, July
25.-31., 1993, Berlin, Germany, Abstr.: 40,
Abstr. 151. PDF (40 MB)
Foissner W. (1993): The
colpodids, an intriguing group of predominately soil-dwelling ciliates. – IX.
Int. Congr. of Protozoology, July 25.-31., 1993, Berlin, Germany, Abstr.: 40, Abstr. 152. PDF (40 MB)
Haunschmid R. & Foissner W. (1993): Morphology and morphogenesis of a common fish
parasite, Ichthyophthirius multifilis.
– IX. Int. Congr. of Protozoology, July 25.-31., 1993, Berlin, Germany, Abstr.: 53, Abstr. 202. PDF (40 MB)
Foissner W. (1993): Corticocolpoda kaneshiroae n. g., n.
sp., a new colpodid ciliate (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from the bark of Ohia trees
in Hawaii. – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 40:
764–775. PDF (5 MB), PDF (32 MB)
316. Paoletti M.G., Foissner W. & Coleman D. (eds) (1993): Soil biota, nutrient cycling, and farming
systems. Lewis Publ., Boca
Raton, Ann Arbor, London, Tokyo, pp.
1–314. PDF (1 MB)
317. Foissner W., Berger H. & Kohmann F. (1994):
Taxonomische und ökologische Revision der Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems – Band
III: Hymenostomata, Prostomatida, Nassulida. – Informationsberichte des Bayer.
Landesamtes für Wasserwirtschaft, 1/94: 1–548. PDF (314 MB), PDF (1356 MB)
Foissner W. & Burkl G. (1993):
Ciliates and testate amoebae in acidified mountain streams. – Ges. Ökol. Progr. Kurzfass. 23. J.tag. 1993 Innsbruck, unpag. PDF (40 MB)
319. Foissner W. (1994): Die Urtiere (Protozoen) des Bodens.
In: Die Urtiere, eine verborgene Welt (Hgb. AESCHT E.). Kataloge des OÖ.
Landesmuseums N. F., 71: 169–218. PDF (62 MB)
320. Foissner W. (1994): Spetazoon
australiense nov. gen., nov. spec., ein neues Wimpertier (Protozoa,
Ciliophora) von Australien. In: Die Urtiere, eine verborgene Welt (Hgb. AESCHT
E.). Kataloge des OÖ. Landesmuseums N. F., 71:
267–278. PDF (7 MB)
321. Foissner W., Petz W., Unterweger A., Herzog E.,
Simonsberger P., Krautgartner W.-D. & Zankl A. (1994):
Die Wunder der Mikrowelt. In: Die Urtiere, eine verborgene Welt (Hgb. AESCHT
E.). Kataloge des OÖ. Landesmuseums N. F., 71:
91–110. PDF (33 MB)
Foissner W. (1994): Classe des
Colpodea SMALL et LYNN, 1981. – Traité de Zoologie, 2: 223–258. PDF (21 MB)
323. Foissner W. (1994): Kommentar zur Gefährdungssituation
der Einzeller (Protozoa). – Grüne Reihe BUMI Umwelt, Jugend Familie, Wien, 2: 317–319. PDF (0.3 MB)
Foissner W. (1994): Soil protozoa
as bioindicators in ecosystems under human influence. In: DARBYSHIRE J.F.
(ed.), Soil Protozoa. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, pp. 147–193. PDF (4 MB)
Foissner W. (1994): Morphology
and morphogenesis of Circinella arenicola
nov. gen., nov. spec., a cephalized hypotrich (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida) from
sand dunes in Utah, USA. – Europ. J. Protistol., 30: 156–170. PDF (2 MB), PDF (6 MB)
Lynn D.H. & Foissner W. (1994):
The feet of Pseudochlamydonellopsis
plurivacuolata (Ciliophora, Cyrtophorida) and a brief review of
tentacle-like structures of ciliates. – Europ. J. Protistol., 30: 423–430. PDF (3 MB), PDF (6 MB)
Becares E. & Foissner W. (1994):
Redescription of Chilodonatella minuta
DRAGESCO 1966 (Protozoa, Ciliophora). – Linzer biol. Beitrg., 26: 515–530. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. & Wölfl S. (1994):
Revision of the genus Stentor OKEN
(Protozoa, Ciliophora) and description of S.
araucanus nov. spec. from South American lakes. – J. Plankton Res., 16: 255–289. PDF (6 MB)
Foissner W. (1994): Progress in
taxonomy of planktonic freshwater ciliates. – Mar. microb. Food Webs, 8: 9–35. PDF (5 MB)
Aescht E. & Foissner W. (1994):
Effects of organically enriched magnesite fertilizers on the testate amoebae of
a spruce forest. – Europ. J. Soil Biol., 30:
79–92. PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W. & Foissner I. (1994):
Fine structure of Cosmocolpoda
naschbergeri (Ciliophora, Colpodida). – Arch. Protistenk., 144: 129–136. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. (1994): High numbers
of testate amoebae (Protozoa) in the benthon of clean, acidified mountain
streams. – Limnologica (Berlin), 24: 323–331.
PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W. (1994): Bryometopus hawaiiensis sp. n., a new
colpodid ciliate from a terrestrial biotope of the Hawaiian archipelago
(Protozoa: Ciliophora). – Annln naturh. Mus. Wien, 96B: 19–27. PDF (1 MB)
334. Foissner W. (1994): Wie baut man billig ein Haus? –
Mikrokosmos, 83: 41–43. PDF (0.5 MB)
335. Foissner W. (1994): Die Chinesenmütze (Aspidisca turrita) - ein seltsames
Wimpertierchen. – Mikrokosmos, 83: 175–179. PDF (3 MB)
336. Foissner W. (1994): Der „Protozoenkreis" - ein
Streupräparat von Ciliaten, Amöben und Flagellaten im
Rasterelektronenmikroskop. – Mikrokosmos, 83:
219–221. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner W. (1994):
Schönborn W.: Fließgewässerbiologie. – Arch. Protistenk., 144:
62. PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W. (1994): Pentahymena corticicola nov. gen., nov.
spec., a new colpodid ciliate (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from bark of Acacia trees
in Costa Rica. – Arch. Protistenk., 144:
289–295. PDF (5.2 MB), PDF (4.7 MB)
Eigner P. & Foissner W. (1994):
Divisional morphogenesis in Amphisiellides
illuvialis n. sp., Paramphisiella
caudata (HEMBERGER) and Hemiamphisiella
terricola FOISSNER, and redefinition of the Amphisiellidae (Ciliophora,
Hypotrichida). – J. Euk. Microbiol., 41:
243–261. PDF (3 MB), PDF (40 MB)
340. Foissner W. (1994): Die Ciliaten der astatischen
Gewässer und des Bodens. In: Extremophile – Mikroorganismen in
ausgefallenen Lebensräumen (Hrsg. HAUSMANN K. und KREMER B. P.), pp. 195–208, VCH Verlag, Weiheim und Tokyo 1994. PDF (3 MB)
341. Foissner W., Berger H., Blatterer H. & Kohmann F. (1995):
Taxonomische und ökologische Revision der Ciliaten des Saprobiensystems – Band
IV: Gymnostomatea, Loxodes, Suctoria.
– Informationsberichte des Bayer. Landesamtes für Wasserwirtschaft, 1: 1–540. PDF (315 MB), PDF (1356 MB)
342. Foissner W. (1994): Ciliaten des Bodens. In
RÖTTGER R. (Hrsg.): Biologie der Protozoen. Ein Praktikum zur Vielfalt der
Formen und Lebensräume der Einzeller. Fischer Verl., Stuttgart, pp. 176–185. PDF (18 MB)
Foissner W. & Foissner I. (1995):
Fine structure and systematic position of
Enchelyomorpha vermicularis (SMITH, 1899) KAHL, 1930, an anaerobic ciliate
(Protozoa, Ciliophora) from domestic sewage. – Acta Protozool., 34: 21–34. PDF (11 MB)
Foissner W. (1995): 550 forgotten
protist species: the monographs by Abbé E. DUMAS. – Europ. J. Protistol., 31: 124–126. PDF (5 MB)
345. Yeates G.W. &
Foissner W. (1995): Testate
amoebae as predators of nematodes. – Biol. Fertil. Soils, 20: 1–7. PDF (5 MB)
Foissner W. (1995): Tropical
protozoan diversity: 80 ciliate species (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in a soil sample
from a tropical dry forest of Costa Rica, with descriptions of four new genera
and seven new species. – Arch. Protistenk., 145: 37–79. PDF (20 MB), PDF (29 MB)
Foissner I. & Foissner W. (1995):
Ciliatomyces nom. nov. for Ciliomyces FOISSNER & FOISSNER 1986
(Lagenidiaceae, Oomycota). – Phyton (Horn, Austria), 35: 115–116. PDF (0.5 MB)
348. Foissner I. & Foissner W. (1995): Ciliatosporidium
platyophryae nov. gen., nov. spec. (Microspora
incerta sedis), a parasite of Platyophrya
terricola (Ciliophora, Colpodea). – Europ. J. Protistol., 31: 248–259. PDF (12 MB), PDF (54
349. Aescht E. & Foissner W. (1995):
Auswirkungen organomineralischer Dünger auf Bodenorganismen des Böhmerwaldes in
Oberösterreich. – Forstl. Schriftenreihe, Univ. Bodenkultur Wien, 9: 107–146. PDF (42 MB)
Foissner W. & Leipe D. (1995):
Morphology and ecology of Siroloxophyllum
utriculariae (PENARD, 1922) n. g., n. comb. (Ciliophora, Pleurostomatida)
and an improved classification of pleurostomatid ciliates. – J. Euk.
Microbiol., 42: 476–490. PDF (5 MB), PDF (12 MB)
Foissner W. & Korganova G.A. (1995): Redescription of three testate amoebae (Protozoa,
Rhizopoda) from a Caucasian soil: Centropyxis
plagiostoma BONNET & THOMAS,
Cyclopyxis kahli (DEFLANDRE) and C.
intermedia KUFFERATH. – Arch. Protistenk., 146: 13–28. PDF (3 MB), PDF (11 MB)
Foissner W. (1995): Kentrophoros (Ciliophora,
Karyorelictitea) has oral vestiges: a reinvestigation of K. fistulosus (FAURÉ-FREMIET, 1950) using protargol impregnation. –
Arch. Protistenk., 146: 165–179. PDF (3 MB), PDF (10 MB)
Berger H. & Foissner W. (1995):
The ciliate atlas, a unique guide to 300 species used as indicators of water
pollution: 2,000 pages, 6,000 figures. – Progr. Abstr. 2nd Eur. Congr. Protozool. Clermont-Ferrand, p. 29, Abstr. 12. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. & Dragesco J.
(1995): Infraciliature and
phylogeny of trachelocercids (Ciliophora, Karyorelictea). – Progr. Abstr. 2nd
Eur. Congr. Protozool. Clermont-Ferrand, p. 49, Abstr. 88. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. (1995): Ciliate
phylogeny inferred from ontogeny. – Progr. Abstr. 2nd Eur. Congr. Protozool.
Clermont-Ferrand, p. 48, Abstr. 84. PDF
(3 MB)
Foissner W. (1995): Tropical soil
protozoan diversity: the ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) of a giant pancake,
Etosha in Namibia (Southwest Africa). – Progr. Abstr. 2nd Eur. Congr.
Protozool. Clermont-Ferrand, p. 48, Abstr. 85. PDF
(3 MB)
Foissner I. & Foissner W. (1995):
Fine structural specializations in a jumping peritrichous ciliate, Hastatella radians ERLANGER, 1890
(Ciliophora, Peritrichia). – Progr. Abstr. 2nd Eur. Congr. Protozool. Clermont-Ferrand, p. 48, Abstr. 86. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. (1995): Dr. Merkle's
life crystals and chondrianas, a chance for cancer and HIV patients of dividing
and excysting colpodid ciliates? – Progr. Abstr. 2nd Eur. Congr. Protozool.
Clermont-Ferrand, p. 48, Abstr. 87. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. (1995): Soil protozoa. –
J. Euk. Microbiol. Suppl., 42: (Suppl.), Abstr. 9. PDF (3 MB)
Berger H. & Foissner W. (1995):
The ciliate atlas: volume III available now! – J. Euk. Microbiol. Suppl., 42:
(Suppl.), Abstr. 11. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. & Foissner I. (1995):
The systematic position of Enchelyomorpha
vermicularis (SMITH, 1899) KAHL, 1930 (Protozoa, Ciliophora). – J. Euk. Microbiol. Suppl., 42: (Suppl.), Abstr.
10. PDF (3 MB)
362. Aescht E. & Foissner W. (1995):
Methods in soil biology. 2. Aufl., Springer Verl., Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 316–337. PDF (26 MB)
363. Foissner W., Berger H., Blatterer H. & Kohmann F. (1995):
Ciliophora. In MOOG G. (ed.): Fauna Aquatica Austriaca, pp. 1–14, 1–11, 1–2, 1–18, Wasserwirtschaftskataster,
Bundesministerium f. Land- Forstwirt., Wien. (in German) PDF (16 MB)
364. Foissner W., Berger H., Blatterer H. & Kohmann F. (1995):
Ciliophora. In MOOG G. (ed.): Fauna Aquatica Austriaca, pp. 1–14, 1–11, 1–2, 1–18, Wasserwirtschaftskataster,
Bundesministerium f. Land- Forstwirt., Wien. (in English) PDF (16 MB)
contributions by W. FOISSNER & J. GRAIN) (1995): Morphogenesis and
evolution in ciliates. In: “Protistological Actualities” (Eds. G. BRUGEROLLE
&. J.P. MIGNOT), pp. 102–127, Clermont-Ferrand. PDF (50 MB)
Foissner W., Wanner M. (with contributions by Aescht E., Darbyshire J.F., Geltzer J.G.
& Meisterfeld R. (1995). Protozoa of soil. In: “Protistological
Actualities” (eds. BRUGEROLLE G. &
MIGNOT J.-P.). pp. 128–135, Clermont-Ferrand. PDF (11 MB)
Foissner W. & Dragesco J. (1995):
Infraciliature and phylogeny of trachelocercids (Ciliophora, Karyorelictida). –
Europ. J. Protistol., 31: 427,
Abstr. 86. PDF (4 MB)
Foissner W. (1995): Dr. Merkle's
life crystals and chondrianas, a chance for cancer and HIV patients of dividing
and excysting colpodid ciliates? – Europ. J. Protistol., 31: 426–427, Abstr. 85. PDF (4 MB)
Foissner W. (1995): Ciliate
phylogeny inferred from ontogeny. – Europ. J. Protistol., 31: 426, Abstr. 83. PDF (4 MB)
Foissner W. (1995): Tropical soil
protozoan diversity: the ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) of a giant pancake,
Etosha in Namibia (Southwest Africa). – Europ. J. Protistol., 31: 426, Abstr. 84. PDF (4 MB)
Berger H. & Foissner W. (1995):
The ciliate atlas, a unique guide to 300 species used as indicators of water
pollution: 2,000 pages, 6,000 figures. – Europ. J. Protistol., 31: 405, Abstr. 13. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner I. & Foissner W. (1995):
Fine structural specializations in a jumping peritrichous ciliate, Hastatella radians ERLANGER, 1890
(Ciliophora, Peritrichida). – Europ. J. Protistol., 31: 425–426, Abstr. 82.
PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. (1996): The
infraciliature of Cryptopharynx setigerus
KAHL, 1928 and Apocryptopharynx
hippocampoides nov. gen., nov. spec. (Ciliophora, Karyorelictea), with an
account on evolution in loxodid ciliates. – Arch. Protistenk., 146: 309–327. PDF (3 MB), PDF (12 MB)
Foissner W. & Dragesco J. (1996):
Updating the trachelocercids (Ciliophora, Karyorelictea). I. A detailed
description of the infraciliature of Trachelolophos
gigas n. g., n. sp. and T. filum
(DRAGESCO & DRAGESCO-KERNÉIS, 1986) n. comb. – J. Euk. Microbiol., 43: 12–25. PDF (4 MB), PDF (22 MB)
375. Foissner W. &
Dragesco J. (1996): Updating the
trachelocercids (Ciliophora, Karyorelictea). III. Redefinition of the genera Trachelocerca EHRENBERG and Tracheloraphis DRAGESCO, and evolution
in trachelocercid ciliates. – Arch. Protistenk., 147: 43–91. PDF (33 MB), PDF (31 MB)
Foissner W. (1996): A
redescription of Remanella multinucleata
(KAHL, 1933) nov. gen., nov. comb. (Ciliophora, Karyorelictea), emphasizing the
infraciliature and extrusomes. – Europ. J. Protistol., 32: 234–250. PDF (11 MB), PDF (12 MB)
Foissner W. (1996): Ciliates in
rapid gravity filters of waterworks exploiting deep groundwaters. – Microsc.
Res. Techn., 33: 12–22. PDF (7 MB)
378. VoSS H.-J. &
Foissner W. (1996): Divisional
morphogenesis in Steinia sphagnicola
(Ciliophora, Hypotrichida): a comparative light and scanning electron
microscopic study. – Europ. J. Protistol., 32: 31–46. PDF (9 MB), PDF (11 MB)
379. Foissner W. (1996): How to become an unforgettable taxonomist:
Christian Gottfried EHRENBERG (1795-1876) reevaluated. In: SCHLEGEL M. & HAUSMANN K. (Hrsg.),
Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg-Festschrift. Leipziger Universitätsverlag, p. 47–50. PDF (2 MB)
380. Foissner W. (1996): Symphorionte Wimpertiere (Protozoa,
Ciliophora) auf Großen Kiemenfußkrebsen (Crustacea, Branchiopoda). – Kataloge
des OÖ. Landesmuseums N. F., 100: 59–69. PDF (1 MB), PDF (6 MB)
Foissner W. (1996): Faunistics,
taxonomy and ecology of moss and soil ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from
Antarctica, with description of new species, including Pleuroplitoides smithi gen. n., sp. n. – Acta Protozool., 35: 95–123. PDF (21 MB)
Foissner W. & Dragesco J. (1996):
The infraciliature of the karyorelictean ciliates Kentrophoros fistulosus (FAURÉ-FREMIET) and Remanella multinucleata (KAHL). – J. Euk. Microbiol., 43: 16A, Abstr. 92. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. (1996): Christian
Gottfried EHRENBERG (1795-1876), an outstanding taxonomist and monographer. –
J. Euk. Microbiol., 43: 16A, Abstr.
93. PDF (3 MB)
Berger H., Foissner W., Blatterer H. & Kohmann F. (1996): The ciliate atlas: volume IV available now!
– J. Euk. Microbiol., 43: 16A,
Abstr. 94. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. (1996): Morphology
and evolution in karyorelictids (Protozoa, Ciliophora). – Verh. dt. Zool. Ges.,
89.1: 9, Abstr. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. & Berger H. (1996):
A user-friendly guide to the ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) commonly used by
hydrobiologists as bioindicators in rivers, lakes, and waste waters, with notes
on their ecology. – Freshw. Biol., 35: 375–482.
PDF (13 MB), PDF (60
Foissner W. (1996): Ontogenesis
in ciliated protozoa, with emphasis on stomatogenesis. In: HAUSMANN K. &
BRADBURY P.C. (eds.), Ciliates: cells as organisms, p 95–177. Fischer,
Stuttgart, Jena, Lübeck, Ulm. PDF (50 MB)
Foissner W. (1996): Terrestrial
ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from two islands (Gough, Marion) in the
southern oceans, with description of two new species, Arcuospathidium cooperi and Oxytricha
ottowi. – Biol. Fertil. Soils, 23: 282–291. PDF (1 MB), PDF (6 MB)
Foissner W. (1996): Updating the
trachelocercids (Ciliophora, Karyorelictea). II. Prototrachelocerca
nov. gen. (Prototrachelocercidae
nov. fam.), with a redescription of P.
fasciolata (SAUERBREY, 1928) nov. comb. and P. caudata (DRAGESCO & RAIKOV, 1966) nov. comb. – Europ. J.
Protistol., 32: 336–355. PDF (14 MB), PDF (17 MB)
FOISSNER W. und BROZEK S. (1996): Taxonomic
characterization of Pseudohaplocaulus
infravacuolatus nov. spec. and Vorticella
chlorellata STILLER 1940, epiplanktonic peritrichs (Ciliophora, Peritrichia)
attached to coenobia of Anabaena (Cyanophyta),
including a redescription of V.
chlorostigma (Ehrenberg, 1831). – Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol.,
81: 329–351. PDF (13 MB)
Foissner W. (1996): Diversity and
ecology of soil protozoa. – Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, 91: (Suppl.) p. 9, Abstr. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. (1996): Phylogeny and
evolution of karyorelictids, a unique assemblage of marine, interstitial
ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora). – Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, 91: (Suppl.) p.16, Abstr. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. (1996): Global soil
ciliate (Protozoa, Ciliophora) diversity. – Int. Senckenberg Conf. “Global
Biodiversity Research in Europe”, abstract volume p. 20–21, Frankfurt. PDF (3 MB)
394. Foissner W. (1996): Soil protozoan diversity: The state of art.
– Mitt. Dt. Bodenk. Ges., 81:
Abstr. PDF (3 MB)
Petz W. &
Foissner W. (1996): Morphology and morphogenesis of Lamtostyla edaphoni BERGER AND FOISSNER
and Onychodromopsis flexilis STOKES,
two hypotrichs (Protozoa: Ciliophora) from Antarctic soils. – Acta Protozool., 35: 257–280. PDF (15 MB)
Foissner W. & Kreutz M. (1996):
Redescription of Platyophrya sphagni
(PENARD 1922) FOISSNER 1993 (Protozoa, Ciliophora). – Linzer biol. Beitr., 28: 745–756. PDF (2 MB)
397. Foissner W. (1996): Soil protozoan diversity: the state of art.
In Oberösterr. Landwirtschaftsammer (Hrsg.): Neue Konzepte in der
Bodenbiologie. Abstracts, p 25,
PDF not yet available (MB)
398. Berger H., Foissner W. & Kohmann F. (1997):
Bestimmung und Ökologie der Mikrosaprobien nach DIN 38410. Fischer, Stuttgart,
Jena, Lübeck, Ulm 291 p. PDF (113 MB)
399. Foissner W. (1997): Unter unseren Füßen - Bodenleben im
Mikroskop. In: SCHRUTKA R. & WIMMER F.X. (Hrsg.), Natur im Aufwind: Der
Nationalpark in den oberösterreichischen Kalkalpen. Landesverl., Linz, pp. 94–101. PDF (10 MB)
Foissner W. (1997): Soil ciliates
(Protozoa: Ciliophora) from evergreen rain forests of Australia, South America
and Costa Rica: diversity and description of new species. – Biol. Fertil.
Soils, 25: 317–339. PDF (0.6 MB), PDF (17 MB)
Foissner W. (1997): Protozoa
as bioindicators in agroecosystems, with emphasis on farming practices,
biocides, and biodiversity. – Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., 62: 93–103. PDF (10 MB)
Foissner W. (1997): Faunistic
and taxonomic studies on ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from clean rivers in
Bavaria (Germany), with descriptions of new species and ecological notes. –
Limnologica, 27: 179–238. PDF (35 MB)
Leitner A.R. & Foissner W. (1997):
Morphology and infraciliature of Microthorax
pusillus ENGELMANN 1862 and Spathidium
deforme KAHL 1928, two ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from activated
sludge. – Linzer biol. Beitr., 29: 349–368.
PDF (1.5 MB)
Berger H. & Foissner W. (1997):
Cladistic relationships and generic characterization of oxytrichid hypotrichs
(Protozoa, Ciliophora). – Arch. Protistenk., 148: 125–155. PDF (3 MB), PDF (10 MB),
PDF (23 MB)
Petz W. & Foissner W. (1997):
Ecology and taxonomy of terrestrial ciliates of continental Antarctica. – J.
Euk. Microbiol., 44: 30A, Abstr.
120. PDF (15 MB)
BERGER H. and FOISSNER W. (1997): Cladistic
relationships of oxytrichid hypotrichs (Protozoa, Ciliophora). – J. Euk.
Microbiol., 44: p. 30A, Abstr. 121. PDF (15 MB)
Leitner A.R. & Foissner W. (1997):
Epicarchesium and Pseudohaplocaulus, two rare peritrichous
ciliates: morphology and confirmation of genus status. – J. Euk. Microbiol., 44: 30A, Abstr. 122. PDF (15 MB)
Foissner W. & Dragesco J.
(1997): Morphology and evolution
in trachelocercids (Ciliophora, Karyorelictea). – J. Euk. Microbiol., 44: 30A, Abstr. 123. PDF (15 MB)
Pfister G. & Foissner W. (1997):
Partial revision of the genus Urotricha
CLAPARÈDE & LACHMANN 1859 (Ciliophora, Prostomatida). – J. Euk. Microbiol.,
44: 29A, Abstr. 119. PDF (15 MB)
Foissner W. (1997): Updating the
trachelocercids (Ciliophora, Karyorelictea). IV. Transfer of Trachelocerca entzi KAHL, 1927 to the
Gymnostomatea as a new genus, Trachelotractus
gen. n. (Helicoprorodontidae). – Acta Protozool., 36: 63–74. PDF (6 MB)
Leitner A.R. & Foissner W. (1997):
Taxonomic characterization of Epicarchesium
granulatum (KELLICOTT, 1887) JANKOWSKI, 1985 and Pseudovorticella elongata (FROMENTEL, 1876) nov. comb., two
peritrichs (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from activated sludge. – Europ. J.
Protistol., 33: 13–29. PDF (12 MB)
Foissner W. & Achterberg C. van (1997): The valid name for the genus Loxocephalus FOERSTER, 1862 (Insecta, Hymenoptera: Braconidae),
preoccupied by Loxocephalus EBERHARD,
1862 (Protozoa: Ciliophora). – Zool. Med. Leiden, 71: 31–32. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner W. (1997): The world
soil ciliate (Protozoa, Ciliophora) fauna: proposed number of species and their
geographic distribution. – ESF Int. Workshop "New Directions in
Systematics", Crete, Abstr. Volume. PDF (15 MB)
Foissner W. (1997): Updating the
trachelocercids (Ciliophora, Karyorelictea). V. Redescription of Kovalevaia sulcata (KOVALEVA, 1966) gen.
n., comb. n. and Trachelocerca incaudata
KAHL, 1933. – Acta Protozool., 36: 197–219.
PDF (22 MB)
Foissner W. & Pfister G. (1997):
Taxonomic and ecologic revision of urotrichs (Ciliophora, Prostomatida) with
three or more caudal cilia, including a user-friendly key. – Limnologica, 27: 311–347. PDF (22 MB)
Corliss J.O. & Foissner W. (1997):
Trachelocerca EHRENBERG (Ciliophora):
proposed conservation of authorship as EHRENBERG (1840), with fixation of Vibrio sagitta MÜLLER, 1786 as the type
species. – Bull. zool. Nom., 54: 219–221.
PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W. (1997): Global soil
ciliate (Protozoa, Ciliophora) diversity: a probability-based approach using
large sample collections from Africa, Australia and Antarctica. – Biodiv.
Conserv., 6: 1627–1638. PDF (0.4 MB)
Foissner W. (1997):
Infraciliature and systematic position of the marine interstitial ciliates
(Protozoa, Ciliophora) Lopezoterenia
torpens (KAHL, 1931) nov. gen., nov. comb., Discotricha papillifera TUFFRAU, 1954, and Paraspathidium fuscum (KAHL, 1928) FJELD, 1955. – Rev. Soc. Mes.
Hist. Nat., 47: 41–63. PDF (12 MB)
Foissner I. & Foissner W. (1997):
Ultrastructural description of fusiform organelles in the buccal cortex of
heterotrich ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora). – 10th Int. Congr. Protozool.
Sydney, Progr. & Abstr., 85,
Abstr. PDF (15 MB)
Foissner W. (1997): Global soil
ciliate (Protozoa, Ciliophora) diversity: a probability-based approach using
large sample collectives from Africa, Australia, and Antarctica. – 10th Int.
Congr. Protozool. Sydney, Progr. & Abstr. Volume, p. 86, Abstr. PDF (15 MB)
Foissner W. (1997): Soil ciliate
(Protozoa: Ciliophora) diversity in evergreen tropical rain forests from
Australia, Costa Rica and Amazonia (South America). – 10th Int. Congr.
Protozool. Sydney, Progr. & Abstr Volume., p. 86, Abstr. PDF (15 MB)
Petz W. & Foissner W. (1997):
Morphology and infraciliature of some soil ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from
continental Antarctica, with notes on the morphogenesis of Sterkiella histriomuscorum. – Polar Rec., 33: 307–326. PDF (16 MB)
Foissner W. (1997):
Protozoen als Indikatoren der Humusform. – Mitt. dt. bodenk. Ges., 85,
II: 683–686. PDF (2 MB)
424. Foissner W. & Gschwind K. (1998):
Taxonomy of some freshwater ciliates (Protozoa: Ciliophora) from Germany. –
Ber. Nat.-med. Ver. Salzburg, 12: 25–76. PDF (18 MB)
425. Foissner W. (1998): The karyorelictids
(Protozoa: Ciliophora), a unique and enigmatic assemblage of marine,
interstitial ciliates: a review emphasizing ciliary patterns and evolution. In:
Evolutionary relationships Among Protozoa (Eds.: G. H. COOMBS K. VICKERMAN M.
A. SLEIGH and A. WARREN), Kluwer Acad. Publ., pp. 305–325. PDF
(8 MB)
426. Foissner W. (1998): Two new soil ciliates
(Protozao, Ciliophora) from Namibia: Diplites
telmatobius nov. gen., nov. spec. and Apobryophyllum
etoschense nov. spec. – Queckett J. Microsc., 38: 207–218. PDF
(5 MB)
427. Foissner W. (1998): Comments on the proposed
conservation of the specific names of Strombidium
gyrans STOKES, 1887 (currently Strobilidium
gyrans) and Strobilidium caudatum
KAHL, 1932 (Ciliophora, Oligotrichida). – Bull. Zool.. Nomencl., 55: 233–236. PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W. (1998): An updated
compilation of world soil ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora), with ecological
notes, new records, and descriptions of new species. – Europ. J. Protistol., 34: 195–235. PDF (6
MB), PDF (32 MB)
Aescht E. & Foissner W.
(1998): Divisional morphogenesis in Blepharisma
americanum, B. undulans, and B. hyalinum (Ciliophora:
Heterotrichida). – Acta Protozool., 37: 71–92. PDF (14 MB)
430. Foissner W. & Kreutz M. (1998):
Systematic position and phylogenetic relationships of the genera Bursaridium, Paracondylostoma, Thylakidium,
Bryometopus, and Bursaria (Ciliophora: Colpodea). – Acta Protozool., 37:
227–240. PDF (8 MB)
Foissner W. (1998):
Assessing the ecological integrity of running waters using protozoa as
indicator organisms. – Int. Conf. Assessing the Ecological Integrity of Running
Waters, Vienna, Book of Abstracts, p. 25. PDF (7 MB)
Foissner W. (1998): Ciliaten
(Protozoa: Ciliophora) als Epizoen aquatischer und terricoler Insekten. – Öst. Entomol. Koll. 1998, Univ. Salzburg (Abstract
book, without pagination). PDF (7 MB)
Aescht E. & Foissner W. (1998):
Divisional morphogenesis in Blepharisma
americanum, B. undulans, and B. hyalinum (Ciliophora,
Heterotrichida). – J. Euk. Microbiol., 45:
Abstr. 45 PDF (7
434. Schiftner U. &
Foissner W. (1998): Revision of Tetrahymena species with caudal cilium.
– J. Euk. Microbiol., 45: Abstr. 84. PDF (7
Foissner W. & Foissner I. (1998):
Ultrastructural description of new (chemoreceptive?) organelles in the buccal
cortex of Linostoma vorticella
(Ciliophora, Heterotrichida). – J. Euk. Microbiol., 45: Abstr. 57. PDF (7
Petz W. & Foissner W. (1998):
Some new and little known soil ciliates from continental antarctica with notes
on the morphogenesis of Sterkiella
histriomuscorum. – J. Euk. Microbiol., 45:
Abstr. 78. PDF (7
Foissner W.
(1998): Methods for the examination of organismal diversity in soils and
sediments (Ed. G. S. HALL). – Europ. J. Protistol., 34: 94. PDF
(0.5 MB)
Foissner W.
(1999): Der „Radiolarienkreis“ - eine Hommage für ERNST HAECKEL (1834 – 1919).
– Mikrokosmos, 88: 174–175. PDF (1
Foissner W.
(1999): Notes on the soil ciliate biota (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from the Shimba
Hills in Kenya (Africa): diversity and description of three new genera and ten
new species. – Biodivers. Conserv., 8: 319–389. PDF (2 MB)
439a Foissner
W. (1999). Comment on the proposed conservation of the specific names of Strombidium gyrans STOKES, 1887
(currently Strobilidium gyrans) and Strobilidium caudatum KAHL, 1932
(Ciliophora, Oligotrichida). – Bull. Zool. Nomencl., 56: 142. PDF (0.3
Foissner W.
(1999): Soil protozoa as bioindicators: pros and cons, methods, diversity,
representative examples. – Agric. Ecosyst. Environm., 74: 95–112. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. & AL-Rasheid
K. A. S. (1999): Updating the trachelocercids (Ciliophora,
Karyorelictea). VI. A detailed description of Sultanophrys arabica nov. gen., nov. spec. (Sultanophryidae nov.
fam.). – Europ. J. Protistol., 35: 146–160. PDF (11 MB)
Foissner W. & Berger H.
(1999): Identification and ontogenesis of the nomen nudum hypotrichs (Protozoa:
Ciliophora) Oxytricha nova (= Sterkiella nova sp. n.) and O. trifallax (= S. histriomuscorum). – Acta Protozool., 38: 215–248. PDF (5 MB),
PDF (9 MB)
Foissner W. & Agatha S.
(1999): Morphology and morphogenesis of Metopus
hasei SONDHEIM, 1929 and M. inversus
(JANKOWSKI, 1964) nov. comb. (Ciliophora, Metopida). – J. Eur. Microbiol.,
46: 174–193. PDF (4 MB)
Lynn D. H., Wright A.-D. G.,
Schlegel, M. & Foissner, W. (1999): Phylogenetic relationships of orders within
the class Colpodea (Phylum Ciliophora) inferred from small subunits rRNA gene
sequences. – J. Mol. Evol., 48: 605–614. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner W.
(1999): Description of two new, mycophagous soil ciliates (Ciliophora,
Colpodea): Fungiphrya strobli n. g.,
n. sp. and Grossglockneria ovata n.
sp. – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 46: 34–42. PDF (3 MB),
(2 MB)
Foissner W. & Schönborn W.
(1999): A soft-bodied, semiterrestrial protist community in 230 million years
old amber. – 5th Centr. Europ. Workshop Soil Zool., Ceske
Budejovice: 17, Abstr. PDF (9
Foissner W., Berger H., Schaumburg J. (1999): Identification and ecology of
limnetic plankton ciliates. – Informationsberichte des Bayer. Landesamtes für
Wasserwirtschaft 3/99, 793 pp. PDF (1300
MB), PDF (510 MB
Foissner W. & Berger H.
(1999): Morphological characterization of two nomen nudum hypotrichs (Protozoa,
Ciliophora): Oxytricha nova and Oxytricha trifallax. – J. Euk. Microbiol.,
46: 11A, Abstr. 86. PDF (9 MB)
Schönborn W., Dörfelt H., Foissner W., Krienitz L.
& Schäfer U. (1999):
Triassic, soft-bodied amber protists. – J. Euk. Microbiol., 46:
12A, Abstr. 95. PDF (9
Schönborn W., Dörfelt H.,
Foissner W., Krienitz L. & Schäfer U. (1999): A
fossilized microcenosis in triassic amber. – J. Euk. Microbiol., 46: 571–584 PDF (6 MB),
PDF (14 MB)
Tesarova P. & Foissner W.
(1999): New observations on the extrusomes of Pseudourostyla cristata (Ciliophora, Hypotrichia). – J. Euk.
Microbiol., 46: 12A, Abstr. 98. PDF (9
Agatha S. & Foissner W.
(1999): The Etosha Pan in Namibia (Southwest Africa): a biodiversity centre for
soil ciliates. In: Hansen P. J. & Fenchel T. (Eds.): Book of
Abstracts. 3rd Europ. Congr. Protistol. 9th Europ. Conf. Ciliate
Biol. Helsingor: 14, Abstr. PDF (9
AL-Rasheid K. & Foissner
W. (1999): Feeding and ontogenesis in Sultanophrys,
a karyorelictid, trachelocercid ciliate: evolution at the base of the ciliate
tree. In: HANSEN P. J. & FENCHEL T. (Eds.): Book of Abstracts. 3rd
Europ. Congr. Protistol. 9th Europ. Conf. Ciliate Biol. Helsingor: 15,
Abstr. PDF (9
Foissner W.
(1999): Soil protozoan diversity: a lesson from studying a single site several
times. In: HANSEN P. J. & FENCHEL T. (Eds.): Book of Abstracts. 3rd
Europ. Congr. Protistol. 9th Europ. Conf. Ciliate Biol. Helsingor: 29,
Abstr. PDF (9
Foissner W.
(1999): Floodplain soils – untouched protozoan biotopes. In: HANSEN P.
J. & FENCHEL T. (Eds.): Book of Abstracts. 3rd Europ. Congr. Protistol.
9th Europ. Conf. Ciliate Biol. Helsingor: 30, Abstr. PDF (9
Foissner W., Schönborn W., Wright
A. D. G. & Lynn D. H. (1999): Further studies on fossilised ciliates
(Protozoa, Ciliophora) from triassic amber. In: Tajovský K. & Pižl V. (eds.), Soil Zoology in Central
Europe. ISB AS CR, Česke Budějovice, 1999: 45–52 PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W.
(1999): Protist diversity: estimates of the near-imponderable. – Protist, 150: 363–368. PDF (0.04
AL-Rasheid K. & Foissner
W. (1999): Apical feeding in the karyorelictids (Protozoa, Ciliophora) Sultanophrys arabica and Tracheloraphis sp. – J. Euk. Microbiol.,
46: 458–463. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. & AL-Rasheid
K. (1999): Ontogenesis in a trachelocercid ciliate (Ciliophora:
Karyorelictea), Sultanophrys arabica,
with an account of evolution at the base of the ciliate tree. – Acta
Protozool., 38: 273–290 PDF (4 MB)
Berger H., Foissner W. &
Schaumburg J. (1999): Taxonomy of plankton ciliates: a neglected
field. – J. Euk. Microbiol., 46: 10A, Abstr. 79 PDF (9
Foissner W. (2000): Two new
terricolous spathidiids (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from tropical Africa: Arcuospathidium vlassaki and Arcuospathidium bulli. – Biol. Fertil.
Soils, 30: 469–477. PDF (0.7 MB), PDF
(2 MB)
Foissner W.
(2000): Notes on ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from Espeletia trees and Espeletia
soils of the Andean Páramo, with descriptions of Sikorops espeletiae nov. spec. and Fragmocirrus espeletiae nov. gen., nov. spec. – Stud. Neotrop.
Fauna & Environm., 35: 52–79. PDF (16 MB)
Foissner W.
(2000): The Etosha Pan in Namibia (Southwest Africa): A biodiversity centre for
soil ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora). – Mitt. Österr. Bodenkundl. Ges., 59:
7–10. PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W.
(2000): A compilation of soil and moss ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from
Germany, with new records and descriptions of new and insufficiently known
species. – Europ. J. Protistol., 36: 253–283. PDF (13 MB),
(19 MB)
Foissner W. & Korganova, G.
A. (2000): The Centropyxis aerophila
complex (Protozoa: Testacea). – Acta Protozool., 39: 257–273. PDF (1.5
Foissner W. & Al-Rasheid K. (2000): Trachelocercid
karyorelictids (Protozoa, Ciliophora) have a parakinetal stomatogenesis. – J.
Eukaryot. Microbiol., Suppl. 47: Abstract 65, p. 8A–9A. PDF (9 MB)
Agatha S. & Foissner W.
(2000): Metopus, Ciliophora incertae
sedis: morphogenesis does not support a relationship with haptorid gymnostomes
and heterotrich clevelandellids as indicated by gene sequence data. – J.
Eukaryot. Microbiol., Suppl., 47: Abstract 66, p. 9A. PDF (9 MB)
AL-Rasheid K. & Foissner
W. (2000): Trachelocercid karyorelictids (Protozoa: Ciliophora) do not
feed by the glabrous stripe, as proposed by LENK & SMALL, but through a
conventional oral apparatus at the anterior end of the organisms. – J.
Eukaryot. Microbiol., Suppl., 47: Abstract 67, p. 9A. PDF (9 MB)
Berger H., Foissner W. &
Schaumburg J. (2000): Diversity of planktonic freshwater ciliates.
– J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., Suppl., 47: Abstract 68, p. 9A. PDF (9 MB)
Foissner W. & Cordeiro T.
(2000): A new, peculiar colpodid ciliate from the tanks of a Brasilian
bromeliad. – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., Suppl., 47: Abstract 69, p. 9A. PDF (9 MB)
Foissner W.
(2000): Lindholm Tore: Algfenomen och Algproblem (Algenblüten und
Algenprobleme). – Limnologica, 30: 20 (Book review). PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W.
(2000): HOFFMANN G. L. (1999): Parasites of North American freshwater fishes.
Europ. – J. Protistol., 36: 351 (Book review). PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W.
(2000): The "brush phenomenon" – a common problem in classical and
molecular phylogenies of Protozoa and Metazoa. – XVIIIth Int. Congr. Zool.,
Athens, Book of Abstracts, p. 70. PDF (9 MB)
Agatha S. & Foissner W.
(2000): 3,000 or 30,000 free-living ciliates? An investigation on Namibian soil
ciliates. – XVIIIth Int. Congr. Zool., Athens, Book of Abstracts, p. 159. PDF (9 MB)
Foissner W. (2000): Opinion 1955 – Strombidion caudatum FROMENTEL, 1876
(currently Strobilidium caudatum;
Ciliophora, Oligotrichida): specific name placed on the official list. – Bull.
zool. Nom., 57: 177–178. PDF (4 MB)
Foissner W. (2000): Revision of the
genera Gastronauta ENGELMANN in
BÜTSCHLI, 1889 and Paragastronauta
nov. gen. (Ciliophora: Gastronautidae). – Protozoological Monographs, 1:
63–101. PDF (23 MB)
Foissner W. (2000): Steinia sphagnicola, ein neues Urtierchen (Einzeller, Wimperntiere)
aus dem Koppler Moor. (Hrsg. Gemeinde Koppl). Heimat Koppl, Chronik der Gemeinde, p. 54. PDF (0.2 MB)
Foissner W., Stoeck T., Schmidt H. & Berger
(2001): Biogeographical differences in a common soil ciliate, Gonostomum affine (STEIN), as revealed
by morphological and RAPD-fingerprint analysis. – Acta Protozool., 40:
83–97. PDF (0.6
Foissner W. & Schiller W. (2001): Stable for 15
million years: scanning electron microscope investigation of miocene euglyphid
thecamoebians from Germany, with description of the new genus Scutiglypha. – Europ. J. Protistol., 37:
167–180. PDF (1 MB)
Bernhardt D., Stechmann A., Foissner W.,
Ammermann D., Hehn M. & Schlegel M. (2001): Phylogenetic
relationships within the class Spirotrichea (Ciliophora) inferred from small
subunit rRNA gene sequences. – Molec. Phylogen. Evol., 21: 86–92. PDF (0.1
Agatha S. & Foissner W.
(2001): Biodiversity of soil ciliates in Namibia, Southwest Africa. – XI.
Int. Congr. Protozool., Salzburg, Book of Abstracts: 45. PDF (6
Agatha S., Foissner W. &
Berger H. (2001): New and poorly known soil ciliates from
Namibia, Southwest Africa. – XI. Int. Congr. Protozool., Salzburg, Book of
Abstracts: 79 (Poster). PDF (6
Foissner W.
(2001): Protozoan biodiversity - myths and facts. – XI. Int. Congr. Protozool.,
Salzburg, Book of Abstracts: 14. PDF (6
Foissner W.
(2001): Subspecies - a useful concept for both taxonomists and ecologists. –
XI. Int. Congr. Protozool., Salzburg, Book of Abstracts: 44. PDF (6
Özbek S. & Foissner W.
(2001): A new hausmanniellid (Colpodea) soil ciliate from a wetland in Turkey.
– XI. Int. Congr. Protozool., Salzburg, Book of Abstracts: 79. PDF (6
Sonntag B. & Foissner W.
(2001): Morphology and infraciliature of three planktonic ciliates (Protozoa:
Ciliophora) from an oligotrophic lake in Austria. – XI. Int. Congr. Protozool.,
Salzburg, Book of Abstracts: 76. PDF (6 MB)
Foissner W.
(2001): Aescht E. (2001): Catalogue of the generic names of ciliates (Protozoa,
Ciliophora). – Europ. J. Protistol. 37:
146 (Book Review). PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. & Foissner I. (2002): Hemimastigophora. In: LEE J. J., LEEDALE
G. F., & BRADBURY P. (Eds) An Illustrated Guide to the Protozoa. 2nd ed.
Vol. II, pp. 1185–1186. Allen Press, Lawrence, USA. PDF (8 MB)
Foissner W. (2002): Stentor. – Encyclopedia of life science, pp. 561–566. PDF (20 MB)
Foissner W., Agatha S. & Berger H. (2002): Soil ciliates
(Protozoa, Ciliophora) from Namibia (Southwest Africa), with emphasis on two
contrasting environments, the Etosha region and the Namib Desert. – Denisia, 5: 1–1459. PDF Text
(70 MB), PDF Text (235
Plates-bw (275 MB), PDF
Plates-bw (425 MB)
Foissner W. (2002): Klein, aber oho!
Einzeller sind Überlebenskünstler in vielen Lebenslagen. Taxonomie, Systematik
und Ontogenese der Einzeller (Protozoa). – In: BECK E. (Hrsg.) Faszination
Lebenswissenschaften. Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, pp. 125–129. PDF (2 MB)
Baumgartner M., Stetter K.O. & Foissner W. (2002): Morphological,
small subunit rRNA, and physiological characterization of Trimyema minutum (KAHL, 1931), an anaerobic ciliate from submarine
hydrothermal vents growing from 28°C to 52°C. – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 49:
227–238. PDF (3 MB), PDF (11 MB)
Lobban C.S., Schefter M., Simpson A.G.B., Pochon
X., Pawlowski J. & Foissner W. (2002): Maristentor
dinoferus n. gen., n. sp., a giant heterotrich ciliate (Spirotrichea:
Heterotrichida) with zooxanthellae, from coral reefs on Guam, Mariana Islands.
– Mar. Biol., 140: 411–423. PDF (0.6
MB), PDF (4 MB)
Foissner W. (2002): Neotypification of
protists, especially ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora). – Bull Zool. Nom., 59:
165–169. PDF (3 MB)
495. Foissner W. & Song W. (2002): Apofrontonia
lametschwandtneri nov. gen., nov. spec., a new peniculine ciliate
(Protozoa, Ciliophora) from Venezuela. – Europ. J. Protistol., 38:
223–234. PDF (4 MB)
Foissner W., Berger H. &
Zechmeister-Boltenstern S. (2003): 3.000 or 30.000 free-living ciliate species? Investigations
about soil ciliates from Austrian natural forest stands and Namibia. – Öst.
Ges. Bodenbiol.,
Vortragstagung Innsbruck, 29. und 30. Sept. 2003. Abstract book, p. 7. PDF (18 MB)
Foissner W. & Agatha S. (2003): Epicortical
scales: a tool for estimating restricted geographical distribution and global
diversity of free-living ciliates. – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 50
(Suppl.): Abstract no. 92. PDF (18 MB)
Foissner W. (2003): Importance of precise
species identification in ecological studies of ciliates (Protozoa,
Ciliophora). – Assessing the Variability in Aquatic Microbial Populations:
Facts and Fiction. Workshop Mondsee, 16-20 Feb. 2003. Abstract book, p. 11. PDF (18 MB)
Foissner W., Berger H., Xu, K., Moser B. &
Zechmeister-Boltenstern S. (2003): A huge, undescribed soil ciliate (Protozoa: Ciliophora)
diversity in Austrian natural forest stands. – 7th Central European Workshop on
Soil Zoology, April 14.-16., 2003, Ceské Budějovice. Abstract
book (unpaginated). PDF (18 MB)
Foissner W. (2003): Endemic ciliates
(Protozoa, Ciliophora) from tank bromeliads: taxonomic and ecological
implications. – 4th European Congress of Protistology and 10th European
Conference on Ciliate Biology, Aug. 31 - Sept. 5, 2003, San Benedetto del
Tronto (AP), Italy. Abstract book, p. 18. PDF (18 MB)
Foissner W. & Xu K. (2003): From the temporary
cytostome towards a permanent cytopharynx: a new evolutionary line in
spathidiid gymnostomes (Ciliophora). – 4th European Congress of Protistology
and 10th European Conference on Ciliate Biology, Aug. 31 - Sept. 5, 2003, San
Benedetto del Tronto (AP), Italy. Abstract book, p. 20. PDF (18 MB)
LeiY. & Foissner W. (2003): Ontogenesis in a
spathidiid ciliate, Arcuospathidium coemeterii
(Ciliophora, Gymnostomatea). – 4th European Congress of Protistology and 10th
European Conference on Ciliate Biology, Aug. 31 - Sept. 5, 2003, San Benedetto
del Tronto (AP), Italy. Abstract book, p. 82. PDF (18 MB)
Foissner W., Strüder-Kypke M., van der Staay
G.W.M., Moon-van der Staay S.-Y. & Hackstein J. H. P. (2003): Endemic
ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from tank bromeliads: a combined morphological,
molecular, and ecological study. – Europ. J. Protistol. 39: 365–372. PDF (0.3 MB)
Foissner W., Strüder-Kypke M., van der Staay
G., Moon S.-Y., & Hackstein J. H. P. (2003): Endemic ciliates
(Protozoa, Ciliophora) from tank bromeliads: a combined morphological and gene
sequence study. – 4th European Congress of Protistology and 10th European
Conference on Ciliate Biology, Aug. 31 - Sept. 5, 2003, San Benedetto del Tronto
(AP), Italy. Abstract book, p. 118. PDF (18 MB)
Foissner W. (2003): Deciliation of
ciliated protozoa for scanning electron microscopy: a fast, simple method using
tensides. – 4th European Congress of Protistology and 10th European Conference
on Ciliate Biology, Aug. 31 - Sept. 5, 2003, San Benedetto del Tronto (AP),
Italy. Abstract book, p. 133. PDF (18 MB)
Foissner W. (2003): Pseudomaryna australiensis nov. gen., nov. spec. and Colpoda brasiliensis nov. spec., two new
colpodids (Ciliophora, Colpodea) with a mineral envelope. – Europ. J.
Protistol., 39: 199–212. PDF (4 MB)
Foissner W. (2003): Two remarkable soil
spathidiids (Ciliophora: Haptorida), Arcuospathidium
pachyoplites sp. n. and Spathidium
faurefremieti nom. n. – Acta Protozool., 42: 145–159. PDF (0.7 MB)
Foissner W. (2003): The Myriokaryonidae
fam. n., a new family of spathidiid ciliates (Ciliophora: Gymnostomatea). –
Acta Protozool., 42: 113–143. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. (2003): Cultellothrix velhoi gen. n., sp. n., a new spathidiid ciliate
(Ciliophora: Haptorida) from a Brazilian floodplain soil. – Acta Protozool., 42:
47–54. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner W. (2003): Morphology and
ontogenesis of Lambornella trichoglossa
nov. spec., a new tetrahymenid ciliate (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from Brasilian
tank bromeliads (Bromeliaceae). – Europ. J. Protistol., 39: 63–82. PDF (2 MB), PDF (19 MB)
Foissner W. (2003): Morphology and
ontogenesis of Bromeliophrya brasiliensis
gen. n., sp. n., a new ciliate (Protozoa: Ciliophora) from Brazilian tank
bromeliads (Bromeliaceae). – Acta Protozool., 42: 55–70. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner W. (2003): Einzeller
(Protozoen). Ein Forschungsfeld mit Zukunft - Salzburg, ein Zentrum der
Biodiversitätsforschung. – NOEO, 1: 11–16. PDF (4 MB)
Shields G. & Foissner W. (2003): Diverse
perspectives on the Protozoan – Metazoan transition. In: LEGAKIS A.,
panorama of animal evolution, p. 243–246. Pensoft, Sofia, Moscow. PDF (2 MB)
Blatterer H. & Foissner W. (2003): Morphological
and ontogenetic comparsion of two populations of Parentocirrus hortualis VOSS 1997 (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida). –
Linzer biol. Beitr., 35: 831–854. PDF (2 MB)
Berger H. & Foissner W. (2003): Biologische
Methoden der Gewässeranalysen: Ciliaten III-2.1 Illustrated guide and
ecological notes to ciliate indicator species (Protozoa, Ciliophora) in running
waters, lakes, and sewage plants. In: STEINBERG, CALMANO, KLAPPER, WILKEN (Hrsg.), Handbuch
angewandte Limnologie, 17. Erg.Lfg. 160 pp. PDF (263 MB)
Foissner W. (2004): Hausmann K., Hülsmann N. & Radek R. (with contributions
by Machemer H., Mulisch M. & Steinbrück
G. (2003): Protistology. – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 51: 258 (book review). PDF (2 MB)
Berger H., Moon-van der Staay S.Y., Moon-van der Staay G. W., Hackstein J. H. P.,
Krautgartner W.-D. & Foissner W. (2004): Reconciling
morphological and 18S rRNA phylogenies in the stichotrichines (Ciliophora,
Spirotrichea), including new sequences from some rare species. – Ber. nat.-med.
Verein Innsbruck, 15 (Suppl.):
15 (abstract). PDF (11 MB)
Foissner W. (2004): Ubiquity and
cosmopolitanism of protists questioned. – SILnews, 43: 6–7. PDF (9 MB)
Xu K. & Foissner W. (2004): Spathidiid ciliates – A
re-evaluation of their morphological diversity. – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 51
(Suppl.): Abstract no. 75. PDF (11 MB)
Foissner W. (2004): STORCH V. &
WELSCH U.: Systematische Zoologie. – Naturwissenschaftl. Rundschau, 57: 398–399 (book review). PDF (2 MB)
Zechmeister-Boltenstern S., Bruckner A., Foissner W., Hackl E., Kopeszki H., Milsowszky N., Sessitsch
A. & Waitzbauer W.
(2004): Diversität von Bodenorganismen in Naturwäldern. –
Jahrestagung d. Österr. Bodenkundl. Gesellsch. am 10. und 11. Mai 2004, Poster.
PDF (11 MB)
Schmidt S. L., Bernhard D., Foissner
W., Berger H. & Schlegel M. (2004): Sequenzanalysen der small subunit rDNA zur
Aufklärung der phylogenetischen Beziehungen innerhalb der Stichotrichia
(Ciliophora, Spirotrichea). – Symposium Leipzig, Veröffentlicht unter http://www.uni-leipzig.de/ILM/resfest/index.htm.
PDF (11 MB)
Xu K. & Foissner W. (2004): Body, nuclear, and
ciliary changes during conjugation of Protospathidium
serpens (Ciliophora, Haptoria). – J.
Eukaryot. Microbiol., 51: 605–617.
Kage M., Kage C. & Foissner W. (2004): Video
documentation of three giant ciliates: Bresslauides
discoideus, a Laurasian endemic; Condylostomides
n.sp., a Gondwanan endemic; and Blepharisma
americanum, a cosmopolite. – Ber. nat.-med. Verein
Innsbruck, 15 (Suppl.):
38 (abstract). PDF (11 MB)
Schmidt S. L., Bernhard D., Foissner
W., Berger H. & Schlegel M. (2004): Phylogenetische Analyse der Spirotrichea
(Ciliophora) mittels Gensequenzen der small subunit (ssu) rDNA. – Ber. nat.-med. Verein Innsbruck, 15 (Suppl.): 63
(abstract). PDF (11 MB)
Weisse T., Foissner W., Gächter E., Müller H.
& Strüder-Kypke M. C. (2004): Das “Meseres-Projekt”:
Konzept und erste Ergebnisse. – Ber. nat.-med. Verein
Innsbruck, 15 (Suppl.):
79 (abstract). PDF (11 MB)
Xu K. & Foissner W. (2004): Morphology,
encystment, and ontogenesis of Arcuospathidium
cultriforme (Ciliophora, Haptoria). – Ber. nat.-med. Verein
Innsbruck, 15 (Suppl.):
84 (abstract). PDF (11 MB)
Foissner W. (2004): Protozoa as bioindicators in running waters.
SMIJA D. & WITTLING T. (eds.): Biologische Gewässeruntersuchung und
Bewertung; Taxonomie und Qualitätssicherung. Regierung von Schwaben, Augsburg
und Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie, p 6–10. PDF (6 MB)
Foissner W. (2004): Protozoa. In: HILLEL D., ROSENZWEIG C.,
POWLSON D.S., SCOW K.M., SINGER M.J., SPARKS D. L. & HATFIELD J. (eds.): Encyclopedia of Soil in
the Environment, 3: 336–347. PDF (8 MB)
Foissner W. (2004): Some new ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from
an Austrian floodplain soil, including a giant, red “flagship”, Cyrtohymena (Cyrtohymenides) aspoecki
nov. subgen., nov. spec. – Denisia, 13: 369–382. PDF (7 MB)
Foissner W. & Lei Y.-L. (2004): Morphology and
ontogenesis of some soil spathidiids (Ciliophora, Haptoria). – Linzer biol. Beitr., 36:
159–199. PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W. & Wenzel F. (2004): Life and legacy of an outstanding ciliate
taxonomist, ALFRED KAHL (1877-1946), including a facsimile of his forgotten
monograph from 1943. – Acta Protozool., 43 (Suppl.): 3–69. PDF (7 MB)
Sonntag B. & Foissner
W. (2004): Urotricha psenneri
n. sp. and Amphileptus piger (Vuxanovici, 1962) n. comb., two
planktonic ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from an oligotrophic lake in
Austria. – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 51:
PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W., Moon-van der Staay S.Y., van der Staay G. W. M., Hackstein J. H. P.,
Krautgartner W.-D. & Berger H. (2004): Reconciling
classical and molecular phylogenies in the stichotrichines (Ciliophora,
Spirotrichea), including new sequences from some rare species. – Europ. J.
Protistol., 40: 265–281. PDF (0.6 MB)
Foissner W., Berger H., Xu K.,
Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.
(2005): A huge, undescribed soil ciliate (Protozoa: Ciliophora) diversity in
natural forest stands of Central Europe. – Biodivers. Conserv., 14: 617–701.
(2 MB)
Xu K. & Foissner W.(2005): Descriptions of Protospathidium serpens (Kahl, 1930) and P. fraterculum n.sp. (Ciliophora, Haptoria), two species based on
different resting cyst morphology. – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 52: 298–309. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. et
al. (2005): Meeting Report: Evolution of protozoa and other protists, Linnean
Society, London. – Protist, 156: 9–17.
PDF (19 MB)
Xu K. & Foissner W.
(2005): Morphology, ontogenesis and encystment of a soil ciliate (Ciliophora,
Haptorida), Arcuospathidium cultriforme
(Penard, 1922), with models for the formation of the oral bulge, the ciliary
patterns, and the evolution of the spathidiids. – Protistology, 4: 5–55. PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W., Xu K. &
Kreutz M. (2005): The Apertospathulidae, a new family of
haptorid ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora). – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 52: 360–373. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W. (2005):
The unusual, lepidosome-coated resting cyst of Meseres corlissi (Ciliophora: Oligotrichea): transmission electron
microscopy and phylogeny. – Acta Protozool., 44: 217–230. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner W., Müller H. &
Weisse T. (2005): The unusual, lepidosome-coated resting cyst
of Meseres corlissi (Ciliophora,
Oligotrichea): light and scanning electron microscopy, cytochemistry. – Acta
Protozool., 44: 201–215. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner W.
(2005): Two new “flagship“ ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from Venezuela: Sleighophrys pustulata and Luporinophrys micelae. – Europ. J.
Protistol., 41: 99–117. PDF (3 MB)
Katz L.A., McManus G.B.,
Snoeyenbos-West L.O., Griffin A., Pirog K., Costas B. & Foissner W.
(2005): Reframing the “everything is everywhere“ debate: evidence for high gene
flow and diversity in ciliate morphospecies. – Aquat. Microb. Ecol., 41: 55–65. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner W., Xu K. &
Kreutz M. (2005): A new family of haptorid ciliates (Protozoa,
Ciliophora). Abstract, 12th Intern. Congr. Protozool., p. 96. PDF (39 MB)
Foissner W.(2005):
Ciliate diversity and significance in extreme habitats. Abstract, 12th Intern.
Congr. Protozool., p. 58. PDF (39 MB)
Xu K. & Foissner W.
(2005): Flagships as ultimate proof of protistan endemicity: evidences from
spathidiids (Protozoa, Ciliophora).
Abstract, 12th Intern. Congr. Protozool., p. 118. PDF (39 MB)
Foissner W.
(2005): Biodiversity of protists: a different view. Abstract, 12th Intern.
Congr. Protozool., p. 4. PDF (39 MB)
Zechmeister- Boltenstern S. for
the DIANA Team (2005): Diversity in Austrian natural forest soils in relation
to nutrient turnover and net greenhouse gas exchange. Abstract, EGU Congress,
Division Biogeosciences. PDF (39 MB)
Katz L.A., Snoeyenbos-West
L.O., Griffin A., Pirog K., Foissner W., Costas B. & McManus G.B.
(2005): Reframing the “everything is everywhere“ debate: evidence for high gene
flow and diversity in ciliate morphospecies. Abstract, meeting of the Soc.
Molec. Biol. Evol. in Aukland, New Zealand. PDF (39 MB)
Zechmeister-Boltenstern S.,
Brendle K., Bruckner A., Foissner W., Hackl E., Milasowszky N., Pfeffer M.,
Sessitsch A., Starlinger F. & Waitzbauer W. (2005): Soil
biodiversity and nutrient turnover in different forest types of Central Europe.
Abstract, Intern. Union of Forest Research Organization, Brisbane, Australia. PDF (39 MB)
von Byern J., Cyran N., Ott
J.A., Foissner W. & Klepal W. (2005): Parasites on Idiosepiidae
(Mollusca, Cephalopoda). Abstract, 40th EMBS Europ. Marine Biol. Symposium,
Vienna. PDF (39 MB)
Foissner W.
(2005): Protist endemicity and dispersal: evidences from flagship species and
cryptogams. Abstract, FASEB Summer Research Conferences, Il Ciocco, Lucca,
Italy. PDF (39 MB)
553. Müller H., Foissner W. & Weisse T.
(2005): The role of soil in the ecology of the ciliate Meseres corlissi. Abstract,
24. Jahrestagung der DGP. PDF (39 MB)
554. Foissner W., Weisse T. & Müller H.
(2005): The unusual resting cyst of Meseres
corlissi (Ciliophora, Oligotrichea). Abstract,
24. Jahrestagung der DGP. PDF (39 MB)
555. Weisse T., Müller H., Scheffel U., Stadler P.,
Strüder-Kypke M. & Foissner W. (2005): Variable response to pH
among three clones of Meseres corlissi. Abstract, 24. Jahrestagung der DGP. PDF (39 MB)
556. Foissner W. (2005): Die Morphospezies: Konzepte
und Probleme. Abstract, 24. Jahrestagung der DGP. PDF (39 MB)
Kage C., Kage M. &
Foissner W. (2005): A new colpodid “flagship“ (Protozoa,
Ciliophora) from soil of a Green River Bed in Botswana, Africa. Abstract, 24.
Jahrestagung der DGP. PDF (39 MB)
Kreutz M. & Foissner W.
(2006): The Sphagnum ponds of
Simmelried in Germany: a biodiversity hot-spot for microscopic organisms. –
Protozool. Monogr., 3: 1–267. PDF (856 MB)
Dunthorn M., Foissner W.
& Katz L. (2006): Problems and prospects for the phylogenetic
relationships within the class Colpodea (Ciliophora). Abstract, 25.
Wissenschaftliche Tagung der DGP. PDF (12 MB)
Katz L., McManus G.B.,
Snoeyenbos-West L.O., Griffin A., Pirog K., Costas B. & Foissner W.
(2006): Reframing the “everything is everywhere” debate: evidence for high gene
flow and diversity in ciliate morphospecies. Abstract, 25. Wissenschaftliche
Tagung der DGP. PDF (12 MB)
Foissner W. & Stoeck T.
(2006): A new “flagship” ciliate from the Niger floodplain breaks the
flexibility-dogma in the classification of the stichotrichine spirotrichs. Abstract,
25. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der DGP. PDF (12 MB)
Kolodziej K., Foissner W.
& Stoeck T. (2006): Local ciliate endemism in an anoxic alpine
lake? Abstract, 25. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der DGP. PDF (12 MB)
Berger H., Al-Rasheid K.
& Foissner W. (2006): Problems in the systematic classification of
some species of hypotrichs (Ciliophora, Spirotrichea). Abstract, 25.
Wissenschaftliche Tagung der DGP. PDF (12 MB)
Foissner W. & Al-Rasheid
K. (2006): A unified organization of the stichotrichine oral apparatus,
including a description of the buccal seal (Ciliophora: Spirotrichea). – Acta
Protozool., 45: 1–16. PDF (1.5 MB), PDF
(6 MB)
Khoo L.H., Foissner W. &
Dove A.D.M. (2006): Pathology associated with Coleps spp. in Tilapia. Abstract, 31st
Eastern Fish Health Workshop, West Virginia, p.63. PDF (12 MB)
Müller H., Foissner W. &
Weisse T. (2006): Role of soil in the life cycle of Meseres corlissi (Ciliophora:
Oligotrichea): experiments with two clonal strains from the type locality, an
astatic meadow pond. – Aquat. Microb. Ecol., 42: 199–208. PDF (0.6 MB)
Foissner W.
(2006): Biogeography and dispersal of micro-organisms: a review emphasizing
protists. – Acta Protozool., 45:
111–136. PDF
(1 MB)
Chao A., Li P.C., Agatha S.
& Foissner W. (2006): A statistical approach to estimate soil
ciliate diversity and distribution based on data from five continents. – Oikos,
114: 479–493. PDF (0.3 MB)
Strüder-Kypke M.C., Wright
A.-D.G., Foissner W., Chatzinotas A. & Lynn D.H. (2006):
Molecular phylogeny of litostome ciliates (Ciliophora, Litostomatea) with
emphasis on free-living haptorian genera. – Protist, 157: 261–278. PDF (0.4 MB)
Foissner W. & Pichler M. (2006):
The unusual, lepidosome-coated resting cyst of Meseres corlissi (Ciliophora: Oligotrichea): genesis of four
complex types of wall precursors and assemblage of the cyst wall. – Acta Protozool.,
45: 339–366. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner W. & Stoeck, T.
(2006): Rigidothrix goiseri nov.
gen., nov. spec. (Rigidotrichidae nov. fam.), a new “flagship” ciliate from the
Niger floodplain breaks the flexibility-dogma in the classification of
stichotrichine spirotrichs (Ciliophora, Spirotrichea). – Eur. J. Protistol., 42: 249–267. PDF (2 MB)
572. Foissner W., Pichler M.,
Al-Rasheid K. & Weisse T. (2006): The unusual,
lepidosome-coated resting cyst of Meseres
corlissi (Ciliophora: Oligotrichea): encystment and genesis and release of
the lepidosomes. – Acta Protozool., 45:
323–338. PDF (0.6 MB)
573. Berger H., Al-Rasheid K.A.S.
& Foissner W. (2006): Morphology and cell
division of Saudithrix terricola n.
gen., n. sp., a large, stichotrich ciliate from Saudi Arabia. – J. Eukaryot.
Microbiol., 53: 260–268. PDF (2 MB)
W. & Kreutz
M (2006): The Sphagnum
ponds of Simmelried in Germany: A biodiversity hot-spot for microscopic
organisms. Book of Abstracts, p.30. International Symposium on Testate Amoebae.
PDF (12 MB)
Foissner W. & Xu K.
(2007): Monograph of the Spathidiida (Ciliophora, Haptoria). Volume I:
Protospathidiidae, Arcuospathidiidae, Apertospathulidae. – Monogr. biol., 81: 1–485. PDF (228 MB)
Stoeck, T., Bruemmer, F.
& Foissner, W. (2007): Evidence for local ciliate endemism in an
alpine anoxic lake. – Microb. Ecol., 54: 478–486. PDF (0.4 MB)
Schmidt S. L., Bernhard D.,
Schlegel M. & Foissner W. (2007): Phylogeny of the Stichotrichia (Ciliophora;
Spirotrichea) reconstructed with nuclear small subunit rRNA gene sequences:
discrepancies and accordances with morphological data. – J. Eukaryot.
Microbiol., 54: 201–209. PDF (0.4 MB)
W. (2007): Dispersal and biogeography
of protists: recent advances. – Jpn. J. Protozool., 40: 1–16. PDF (2 MB)
Weisse, T., Scheffel, U., Stadler, P. &
Foissner, W. (2007): Local adaptation among geographically distant clones of the
cosmopolitan freshwater ciliate Meseres
corlissi. II. Response to pH. – Aquat. Microb. Ecol., 47: 289–297. PDF (0.3 MB)
W., Müller H. & Agatha S. (2007): A comparative fine structural and phylogenetic
analysis of resting cysts in oligotrich and hypotrich Spirotrichea
(Ciliophora). – Eur. J. Protistol., 43:
295–314. PDF (5 MB)
Foissner W. & Al-Rasheid
K. (2007): Notes on soil ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from The
Netherlands, with description of Keronopsis
schminkei nov. spec. and Apobryophyllum
schmidingeri nov. spec. – Acta Protozool., 46: 201–220. PDF (2 MB)
Fried J. & Foissner W.
(2007): Differentiation of two very similar glaucomid ciliate morphospecies
(Ciliophora, Tetrahymenida) by fluorescence in situ hybridization with 18S rRNA
targeted oligonucleotide probes. – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 54: 381–387. PDF (0.3 MB)
Stoeck T., Foissner W., &
Lynn D. H. (2007): Small-subunit rRNA phylogenies suggest that Epalxella anitquorum (Penard, 1922)
Corliss 1960 (Ciliophora, Odontostomatida) is a member of the Plagyopylea. – J.
Eukaryot. Microbiol., 54: 436–442. PDF (0.1 MB)
Schmidt S. L., Foissner W., Schlegel M. & Bernhard D. (2007):
Molecular phylogeny of the Heterotrichea (Ciliophora; Postciliodesmatophora) based
on small subunit rRNA gene
sequences. – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 54:
358–363. PDF (0.1 MB)
Martin-Cereceda M., Guinea
A., Bonaccorso E., Dyal P., Novarino G. & Foissner W.
(2007): Classification of the peritrich ciliate Opisthonecta matiensis (Martin-Cereceda et al. 1999) as Telotrochidium matiense nov. comb.,
based on new observations and SSU rDNA phylogeny. – Eur. J. Protistol., 43:
265–279. PDF (2 MB)
Agatha S. & Foissner W.
(2007): Conjugation in Halteria
grandinella: the mystery of its genealogy persists. – Protistology, 5(1): 10. PDF (17 MB)
Foissner W. & Chao A.
(2007): Diversity and geographic distribution of soil protozoa. – Protistology,
5(1): 29–30. PDF (17 MB)
Shimano S., Foissner W. &
Kusuoka Y. (2007) Morphology and gene sequence of an endemic,
new colepid (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from the ancient lake Biwa, Japan. – Protistology,
5(1): 72. PDF (17 MB)
Lynn D. H., Stoeck T. & Foissner W. (2007): Phylogenetic
position of the odontostomatids inferred from the small subunit rRNA gene
sequence of Epalxella antiquorum Penard, 1922 (phylum Ciliophora, order
Odontostomatida). – Protistology, 5(1):
51. PDF
(17 MB)
Kreutz M. & Foissner W. (2007): The sphagnum ponds of Simmelried in
Germany: a biodiversity hot-spot for microscopic organisms. – Protistology,
5(1): 45. PDF (17 MB)
Foissner W., Peukert B. & Krautgartner W.-D. (2007): A unique
association between bacteria and ciliates: silicious residues from food
bacteria are the main component of the cyst wall of Maryna umbrellata (Ciliophora, Colpodea). – Protistology,
5(1): 30. PDF (17 MB)
Weisse t., Gächter E., Scheffel U.,
Strüder-Kypke M., Müller H. & Foissner W. (2007): Meseres corlissi, a cosmopolitan ciliate with limited dispersal and
biogeography. – SIL meeting Montreal. PDF (17 MB)
Eppinger M., Schwarz M. V. J., Boenigk J.,
Schweikert M., Foissner W. & Stoeck T. (2007): Phylogenetic position
of Aristerostoma marinum Kahl 1931
and the family Cyrtolophosididae (Ciliophora; Colpodea). – Abstract,
26. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie,
p.27. PDF (17 MB)
Breiner H.W., Foissner W. & Stoeck T. (2007): Colpodidiids
finally find their home in the Nassophorea (Ciliata) – Abstract, 26.
Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie,
p.26. PDF (17 MB)
Kreutz M. & Foissner W. (2007): The Sphagnum
ponds of Simmelried in Germany: a biodiversity hot-spot for microscopic
organisms. – Abstract, 26. Wissenschaftliche
Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, p.31. PDF (17 MB)
Foissner W. & Stoeck T. (2007): Neokeronopsis nov. spec. (Ciliophora,
Spirotrichea), a flagship ciliate from South Africa supports the CEUU
hypothesis. – Abstract, 26. Wissenschaftliche
Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, p.28. PDF (17 MB)
Xu K. & Foissner W. (2007): Monograph of the
Spathidiida (Ciliophora, Haptoria) Volume I: Protospathidiidae,
Arcuospathidiidae, Apertospathulidae. – Abstract, 26. Wissenschaftliche
Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, p.16. PDF (17 MB)
Foissner W. & Pichler M. (2007): The unusual
resting cyst of Meseres corlissi
(Ciliophora: Oligotrichea): Encystment and genesis of five complex types of
wall precursors. – Abstract, 26. Wissenschaftliche
Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, p.13. PDF (17 MB)
Xu K. & Foissner W.
(2007) Monograph of the Spathidiida (Ciliophora, Haptorida) – Protistology, 5(1): 88. PDF (17 MB)
Cotterill F. P. D.,
Al-Rasheid K. & Foissner W. (2008): Conservation of protists: is it needed at
all? – Biodivers. Conserv., 17: 427–443.
(0.5 MB)
601. Foissner
W. (2008): Protist diversity and distribution: some basic considerations.
– Biodivers. Conserv., 17: 235–242. PDF
(2.5 MB)
602. Foissner
W., Chao A. & Katz L. A. (2008): Diversity and geographic distribution
of ciliates (Protista: Ciliophora). – Biodivers. Conserv., 17: 345–363. PDF (0.4 MB)
603. Breiner H-W., Foissner W. & Stoeck T. (2008): The
search finds an end: Colpodidiids belong to the class Nassophorea (Ciliophora).
– J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 55:
100–102. PDF (0.1
604. VĎAČNÝ P. & Foissner W. (2008): Morphology,
conjugation, and postconjugational reorganization of Dileptus tirjakovae n.
sp. (Ciliophora, Haptoria). – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 55: 436–447. PDF (1 MB)
605. Agatha S.
& Foissner W. (2008): Conjugation in the spirotrich ciliate Halteria grandinella (Müller, 1773)
Dujardin, 1841 (Protozoa, Ciliophora). 27. Wissenschaftl. Jahrestagung
der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, Rostock, Book of Abstracts
(without pagination). PDF (9 MB)
606. Foissner W. & Jürgens
K. (2008): Some interesting new ciliates from the microaerobic and
anaerobic bottom of the Gotlandtief (220 m below NN), Baltic Sea. 27. Wissenschaftl.
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, Rostock, Book of
Abstracts (without pagination). PDF (9 MB)
607. Foissner
W. (2008): Mimicry in a haptorian ciliate. 27. Wissenschaftl. Jahrestagung
der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, Rostock, Book of Abstracts
(without pagination). PDF (9 MB)
608. VĎAČNÝ P. & Foissner W. (2008):
Conjugation in a new Dileptus
(Ciliophora, Litostomatea) and its phylogenetic significance. 27.
Wissenschaftl. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie,
Rostock, Book of Abstracts (without pagination). PDF (9
Oertel A. & Foissner W.
(2008): Drei neue, haptoride Boden-Ciliaten. 27. Wissenschaftl. Jahrestagung
der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, Rostock, Book of Abstracts
(without pagination). PDF (9 MB)
Foissner W., Stoeck T. (2008): Morphology,
ontogenesis and molecular phylogeny of Neokeronopsis
(Afrokeronopsis) aurea nov. subgen., nov. spec. (Ciliophora: Hypotricha), a
new African flagship ciliate confirms the CEUU hypothesis. – Acta Protozool., 47:
1–33. PDF (4 MB),
(8 MB)
Foissner W. (2008): Notes on soil
ciliates from Singapore, with description of Suturothrix monoarmata nov. gen., nov. spec. (Protozoa,
Ciliophora). – Soil Organisms, 80: 81–97. PDF (1 MB)
M., Foissner, W. & Katz, L. A. (2008):
Molecular phylogenetic analysis of class Colpodea (phylum Ciliophora) using
broad taxon sampling. – Mol. Phylogenet. Evol., 46: 316-327. PDF (0.2 MB)
Foissner, W., Kusuoka, Y. & Shimano, S. (2008): Morphology and gene sequence of Levicoleps biwae n. gen., n. sp.
(Ciliophora, Prostomatida), a proposed endemic from the ancient Lake Biwa,
Japan. – J.
Eukaryot. Microbiol., 55: 185–200. PDF
(4 MB)
Oertel, A., Wolf, K.,
Al-Rasheid, K. & Foissner, W. (2008): Revision of the genus Coriplites Foissner, 1988 (Ciliophora:
Haptorida), with description of Apocoriplites
nov. gen. and three new species. – Acta Protozool., 47: 231–246.
PDF (3 MB)
Vďačný, P. &
Foissner, W. (2008): Description of four new soil dileptids
(Ciliophora, Haptoria), with notes on adaptations to the soil environment. –
Acta Protozool., 47: 211–230. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner, W.,
Quintela-Alonso, P. & Al-Rasheid K. (2008): Soil Ciliates from Saudi Arabia,
including descriptions of two new genera and six new species. – Acta
Protozool., 47: 317–352. PDF
(3 MB)
Weisse, T., Strüder-Kypke,
C., Berger, H. & Foissner, W. (2008): Genetic,
morphological, and ecological diversity of spatially separated clones of Meseres corlissi Petz & Foissner,
1992 (Ciliophora, Spirotrichea). – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 55: 257–270. PDF (1 MB)
618. Foissner, W. & Jürgens, K. (2008): Some interesting
new ciliates from the microaerobic and anaerobic bottom of the Gotlandtief (220
m below NN), Baltic Sea. – 27. Wissenschaftl. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft
für Protozoologie, Rostock, Book of Abstracts (without pagination). PDF (9
619. Foissner, W. (2008): Protist diversity and
biogeographic distribution. – Protist2008, Halifax, Canada, Book
of Abstracts (without pagination). 21.7.-26.7., 2008, PDF not yet available (MB)
620. Berger, H., Blatterer, H., Petz, W., Schiftner, U.
& Foissner, W. (2008): Richtlinien für die ökologische Untersuchung
und Bewertung von Fließgewässern – Ciliaten (Protozoa). – ÖNORM M 6118: 1–14. PDF (0.2 MB)
621. Weber, F., Mylnikov, P. A., Foissner, W. &
Jürgens, K. (2008): Distribution and diversity of protists in
pelagic redoxclines of the central Baltic Sea. – 27. Wissenschaftl.
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, Rostock, Book of
Abstracts (without pagination). PDF (9 MB)
622. Agatha, S. & Foissner, W. (2009): Conjugation in the spirotrich ciliate Halteria
grandinella (Müller, 1773) Dujardin, 1841 (Protozoa, Ciliophora) and its
phylogenetic implications. – Eur. J. Protistol., 45: 51–63. PDF
(2 MB)
Foissner, W. & Wolf, K.
(2009): Morphology and ontogenesis of Platyophrya
bromelicola nov. spec., a new macrostome-forming colpodid (Protists,
Ciliophora) from tank bromeliads of Jamaica. – Eur. J. Protistol., 45: 87–97. PDF (2 MB)
Vďačný, P.,
Foissner, W. (2009): Ontogenesis of Dileptus terrenus and Pseudomonilicaryon
brachyproboscis (Ciliophora, Haptoria). – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 56: 232–243. PDF (1 MB)
Foissner, W. & Oertel. A.
(2009): Morphology and ciliary pattern of some rare haptorid ciliates, with a
description of the new family Kamburophryidae (Protists, Haptoria). – Eur. J.
Protistol., 45: 205–218. PDF (2 MB)
Foissner, W., Kusuoka, Y. & Shimano, S. (2009): Morphological
and molecular characterization of Histiobalantium
natans viridis Kahl, 1931 (Ciliophora, Scuticociliatia). – Eur. J.
Protistol., 45: 193–204. PDF (1 MB)
Vďačný, P. &
Foissner, W. (2009): Morphological taxonomy of dileptids
(Litostomatea, Haptoria): the quest of species characters. – 28. wissensch.
Tagung der DGP, Book of Abstracts, p. 19. PDF (31 MB)
Foissner, W.
& Strüder-Kypke, M. (2009): A
chain forming ciliate from tank bromeliads. – 28. wissensch. Tagung der DGP,
Book of Abstracts, p. 19. PDF (31 MB)
Norf, H.
& Foissner, W. (2009): A new,
stunning peritrich ciliate from the Rhine river (Germany). – 28. wissensch.
Tagung der DGP, Book of Abstracts, p. 24. PDF (31 MB)
Berger, H., Al-Rasheid, K.A.S. & Foissner, W.
(2009): Two new species of hypotrichous ciliates (Ciliophora, Spirotricha) from
a saline soil in Saudi Arabia. – 28. wissensch. Tagung der DGP, Book of
Abstracts, p. 23. PDF (31 MB)
Gabilondo, R.
& Foissner, W. (2009): Four
new species of haptorid soil ciliates from four different biogeographic
regions. – 28. wissensch. Tagung der DGP, Book of Abstracts, p. 24. PDF
(31 MB)
Blake, N.
& Foissner, W. (2009):
Exploring a new ciliate world: two peritrichs from Costa Rican bromeliads. –
28. wissensch. Tagung der DGP, Book of Abstracts, p. 23. PDF
(31 MB)
Shimano, S.,
Foissner, W. & Kusuoka, Y. (2009): Morphology and gene
sequence of an endemic, new colepid (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from the ancient
lake Biwa, Japan. – Jpn. J. Protozool., 42:
91. PDF (0.2 MB)
Gabilondo, R.
& Foissner, W. (2009): Four
new fuscheriid soil ciliates (Ciliophora: Haptorida) from four biogeographic
regions. – Acta Protozool., 48: 1–24.
(3 MB)
Foissner, W. (2009): Beyond “everything is everywhere”. – Proc. XIII Int. Congr.
Protistol., Book of Abstracts, p. 12. PDF (31 MB)
Foissner, W.
(2009): Exploring the new ciliate world in the little ponds of tank bromeliads.
– Proc. XIII Int. Congr. Protistol., Book of Abstracts, p. 101. PDF
(31 MB)
Vďačný, P. & Foissner, W.
(2009): A monograph of the Dileptina (Ciliophora, Haptoria): alpha-diversity
and phylogeny. – Proc. XIII Int. Congr. Protistol., Book of Abstracts, p. 101. PDF
(31 MB)
Foissner, W.
(2009): Neglected though enabling an endless life: the resting cysts of
protists. – Proc. XIII Int. Congr. Protistol., Book of Abstracts, p. 81. PDF
(31 MB)
Foissner, W.,
Pfabel, C. & Stoeck T. (2009): Morphologic and
molecular taxa in ciliates (Protista): is there a common ground? – Systematics
2009, 1st meeting of Biosyst. EU, The Netherlands, Leiden, Book of
Abstracts, p. 51. PDF (31 MB)
Foissner, W.
(2009): Possible reasons for protist endemism, with examples from tank
bromeliads and rain forests. – Systematics 2009, 1st meeting of
Biosyst. EU, The Netherlands, Leiden, Book of Abstracts, p. 51. PDF
(31 MB)
Vďačný, P. & Foissner, W.
(2009): Morphological phylogeny of the Dileptina (Protista, Ciliophora). –
Systematics 2009, 1st meeting of Biosyst. EU, The Netherlands,
Leiden, Book of Abstracts, p. 133. PDF (31 MB)
Foissner, W.
& Stoeck, T. (2009):
Morphological and molecular characterization of a new protist family,
Sandmanniellidae n.fam. (Ciliophora, Colpodea), with description of Sandmanniella terricola n. g., n. sp.
from the Chobe floodplain in Botswana – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 56: 472–483. PDF (2 MB)
Foissner, W.
(2009): Endemic ciliates from bromeliads disprove the cosmopolitan distribution
model of micro-organisms – Abstract, SIL-Austria, Tagung 2009 PDF
(31 MB)
Grygier, M.
J., Kusuoka, Y., Foissner, W., Shimano, S., Ji,
D., Urabe, M., Smith R. J., Janz, H., Inoue,
E., Kobayashi, T. & Nishino, M. (2009): Potential endemics
among protists, helminths, and crustaceans in Lake Biwa, Japan. In: GUSESKA, D.
(Ed.): SIAL 5. Book of Abstracts, pp. 28–29. Kosta Abras Press, Ohrid. PDF
(31 MB)
Foissner, W. (2009): Protista (Einzeller). In:
Rabitsch, W. & Essl, F. (Hrsg.):Endemiten – Kostbarkeiten in Österreichs
Pflanzen- und Tierwelt. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Kärnten und
Umweltbundesamt GmbH, Klagenfurt und Wien, pp. 294–296. PDF (7 MB)
Foissner, W., Weissenbacher, B., Krautgartner,
W.-D. & Lütz-Meindl,
(2009): A cover of glass: first report of biomineralized silicon in a ciliate, Maryna umbrellata (Ciliophora:
Colpodea). – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 56: 519–530. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner, W. (2009): The stunning, glass-covered
resting cyst of Maryna umbrellata
(Ciliophora, Colpodea) – Acta Protozool. 48:
223–243. PDF (3 MB),
(20 MB)
Foissner, W., Blake, N., Wolf, K., Breiner,
H.-W. & Stoeck, T. (2009): Morphological
and molecular characterization of some peritrichs (Ciliophora: Peritrichida) from
tank bromeliads, including two new genera: Orborhabdostyla
and Vorticellides. –
Acta Protozool. 48: 291–319. PDF (6 MB),
PDF (7 MB)
Pan, H.-Y., Chao, A & Foissner, W. (2009): A nonparametric lower bound for the number
of species shared by multiple communities – Journal of Agric., Biolog., and
Environ. Statistics Vol. 14 4:
452–468. PDF (0.6 MB)
Röttger, R., Knight, R. & Foissner, W. (2009, Editors): A
Course in Protozoology. Protozool. Monogr. 4: vii + 259 pp. (Shaker Verlag, Aachen) PDF (200
Foissner, W. (2009): Soil ciliates. In: Röttger R., Knight R. & Foissner W. (eds.), A Course in Protozoology, p. 211-219. Shaker Verlag, Aachen PDF (7 MB)
652. Foissner, W. (2009): Mimicry in a haptorian Ciliate? – Nobis,
Wien, Book of Abstracts (without pagination). PDF (31 MB)
Cotterill, F.P.D. & Foissner,
W. (2010): A pervasive denigration of natural history misconstrues how
biodiversity inventories and taxonomy underpin scientific knowledge –
Biodivers. Conserv., 19: 291–303. PDF (9 MB)
Norf, H. & Foissner, W.
(2010): A new flagship peritrich (Ciliophora, Peritrichida) from the river
Rhine, Germany: Apocarchesium arndti
n. sp. – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 57:
250–264. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner, W.
(2010): Life cycle, morphology, ontogenesis, and phylogeny of Bromeliothrix metopoides nov. gen., nov.
spec., a peculiar ciliate from tank bromeliads. – Acta Protozool. 49: 159–193. PDF (4 MB), PDF
(10 MB)
Foissner, W., Shi, X., Wang,
R. & Warren, A. (2010): A reinvestigation
of Neokeronopsis populations,
including the description of N. asiatica
nov. spec. (Ciliophora, Hypotricha). – Acta Protozool.,
49: 87–105. PDF
(3 MB)
Foissner, W., Hess, S.
& Al-Rasheid, K.A.S. (2010): Two
vicariant Semispathidium species from
tropical Africa and central Europe: S.
fraterculum nov. spec. and S.
pulchrum nov. spec. (Ciliophora, Haptorida). – Eur. J. Protistol., 46: 61–73.
PDF (2 MB)
Foissner, W.
(2010): Enchelys micrographica nov.
spec., a new ciliate (Protista, Ciliophora) from moss of Austria. – MittBl.
Mikroskop. Ges. Wien, Festschrift: 71–79. PDF (2 MB)
Foissner, W.
(2010): Protozoa. In: S. Jeffery, C.
Gardi, A. Jones, L. Montanarella, L. Marmo, L. Miko, K. Ritz, G. Peres, J.
Römbke and W. H. van der Putten
(eds), European Atlas of Soil Biodiversity, p 98–99. PDF (0.5 MB)
Vďačný, P., Orsi,
W. & Foissner, W. (2010): Molecular and morphological evidence for a
sister group relationship of the classes Armophorea and Litostomatea
(Ciliophora, Intramacronucleata, Lamellicorticata infraphyl. nov.), with an
account on basal litostomateans. Eur. J. Protistol. – 46:298–309. PDF (1 MB)
Dunthorn M., Foissner W.
& Katz L. A. (2011): Expanding character sampling for ciliate
phylogenetic inference using mitochondrial SSU-rDNA as a molecular marker. –
Protist 162: 85–99. PDF
(1 MB)
Foissner W. & Stoeck T.
(2011): Cotterillia bromelicola nov.
gen., nov. spec., a gonostomatid, bromeliad-inhabiting ciliate (Ciliophora,
Hypotricha) with de novo originating
dorsal kineties. – Eur. J. Protistol., 47:29–50. PDF (3 MB)
Omar A. & Foissner W.
(2011): Description of Leptopharynx
bromeliophilus nov. spec. and Leptopharynx australiensis nov. spec. (Ciliophora, Nassulida). Acta
Protozool., 50:89–103. PDF
(3.5 MB), PDF (4 MB)
Vďačný P., Bourland
W. A., Orsi W., Epstein S. S. & Foissner W. (2011):
Phylogeny and classification of the Litostomatea (Protista, Ciliophora), with
emphasis on free-living taxa and the 18S rRNA gene. – Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 59: 510–522. PDF (2
Vďačný P., Orsi W.,
Bourland W. A., Shimano S., Epstein S. S. & Foissner W.
(2011): Morphological and molecular phylogeny of dileptids and tracheliid
ciliates: Resolution at the base of the class Litostomatea (Ciliophora,
Rhynchostomatia). – Eur. J. Protistol. 47:
295–313. PDF (1
Foissner W.
(2011): Dispersal of protists: the role of cysts and human introductions. In: Fontaneto, D. (ed), Biogeography of
Microscopic Organisms. Is Everything small Everywhere? p 61–87. Cambridge Univ.
Press, Cambridge, UK. PDF (1.5
Foissner W.
(2011): Guten Appetit! – Amöbe labt sich an Ciliaten. – Mikrokosmos 100(3): 167–168. PDF (0.5
Foissner W., Wolf K. W., Yashchenko V. & Stoeck T. (2011): Description of Leptopharynx
bromelicola n. sp. and characterization of the genus Leptopharynx Mermod, 1914 (Protista, Ciliophora). – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 58:
134–151. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W., Stoeck T., Agatha S. &
Dunthorn M. (2011): Intraclass evolution and classification of the Colpodea
(Ciliophora). – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol.,
58: 397–415. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W., Stoeck T., Agatha S. & Dunthorn M.
(2011): Intraclass evolution and classification of the Colpodea (Ciliophora). –
VI Europ. Cong. Protistol., Berlin, Germany, Book of Abstracts p 61. PDF (8 MB)
Foissner W.
(2011): How resting cysts, spatial constraints, time and endemics structure
protist communities. – VI Europ. Cong. Protistol., Berlin, Germany, Book of
Abstracts p 62. PDF (8
Foissner W.
(2011): Species taxonomy of protists: Morphological and molecular perspectives.
– VI Europ. Cong. Protistol., Berlin, Germany, Book of Abstracts p 62. PDF (8
Vdacny P.
& Foissner W. (2011):
Monograph of the dileptids (Ciliophora, Litostomatea). – VI Europ. Cong.
Protistol., Berlin, Germany, Book of Abstracts p 125. PDF (8
Omar A., Wolf K. &
Foissner W. (2011): Updating the microthoracids (Ciliophora,
Microthoracida): Four new Leptopharynx
species. – VI Europ. Cong. Protistol., Berlin, Germany, Book of Abstracts p 96.
PDF (8
Weisse T., Scheffel U.,
Stadler P. & Foissner W. (2011): Life cycle and ecology of Bromeliothrix metopoides Foissner, 2010,
an enigmatic ciliate (Protista, Colpodea) from tank bromeliads (Bromeliaceae).
– VI Europ. Cong. Protistol., Berlin, Germany, Book of Abstracts p 130. PDF (8
Foissner W., Stoeck T., Agatha S. &
Dunthorn M. (2011): Morphologic and molecular evolution of the ciliate class Colpodea:
classification problems. – NOBIS 5, Salzburg, Austria, Book of Abstracts p 20. PDF (8
677. Kampf in der Petrischale. Research Report.
Forschungsjahrbuch der Universität Salzburg 2011, S. 48–55. (The battle in the Petri dish. Research Report.
Yearbook of science and application 2011 – University of Salzburg, pp. 48–55.) PDF (2 MB)
Vďačný P. &
Foissner W. (2012): Monograph of the dileptids (Protista,
Ciliophora, Rhynchostomatia). –
Denisia, 31:
1–529. PDF (52 MB)
Orsi W., Edgcomb
V., Faria J., Foissner W., Fowle W. H., T., Hohmann T., Suarez P.,
Taylor C., Taylor G. T., Vďačný P., & Epstein S. S.
(2012): Class Cariacotrichea, a novel ciliate taxon from the anoxic Cariaco
Basin, Venezuela. – Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 62: 1425–1433. PDF (1 MB)
Dunthorn M., Katz L., Stoeck
T. & Foissner W. (2012): Congruence and indifference between two
molecular markers for understanding oral evolution in the Marynidae sensu lato (Ciliophora, Colpodea). –
Eur. J. Protistol. 48: 297–304. PDF (0.5
Foissner W.
(2012): Schmidingerothrix extraordinaria
nov. gen., nov. spec., a secondarily oligomerized hypotrich (Ciliophora,
Hypotricha, Schmidingerotrichidae nov. fam.) from hypersaline soils of Africa.
– Eur. J. Protistol. 48: 237–251. PDF (5 MB)
Foissner W.
(2012): Ein Ciliat als Altarbild und Protisten in der Oper. – Mikrokosmos 101(2): 82–84. PDF (0.6
Omar A. & Foissner W. (2012): Description of Leptopharynx brasiliensis
nov. spec. and Leptopharynx costatus gonohymen nov.
subspec. (Ciliophora, Microthoracida). – Eur. J. Protistol. 48: 30–47. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W.
(2012): Urotricha
spetai nov.
spec., a new plankton ciliate (Ciliophora,
Prostomatea) from a fishpond in the Seidlwinkel Valley, Rauris, Austrian Central
Alps*). – Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Österreich 148/149: 173–184. PDF (5 MB)
Foissner W., Charleston T.,
Kreutz M. & Gordon
D.P. (2012): Phylum Ciliophora. In: Gordon
D.P. (ed.), New Zealand inventory of biodiversity, p 217–232. Canterbury
Univ. Press, Christchurch, New Zealand. PDF (59 MB)
Dunthorn M., Stoeck T., Wolf
K., Breiner H.-W. & Foissner W. (2012): Diversity and endemism of ciliates inhabiting Neotropical phytotelmata. –
Systematics and Biodiversity 10: 195–205. PDF (1 MB)
687. Gros P., Bauch C., Foissner W., Heiss E., Hierschläger
M., Lindner R., Lohmeyer T. R., Medicus C., Neuner W., Oertel A., Pfleger H.
S., Pilsl P., Stöhr O., Taurer-Zeiner C., Türk R. & Wittmann H. (2012): Nationalpark Hohe Tauern, Seidlwinkltal
(Rauris, Salzburg) – GEO Tag der Artenvielfalt. – Abh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Österreich 38: 1–70. PDF (18 MB)
688. Foissner W. (2012):
Vom Gott der Amöben und dem Schiff der Visionen. – Mikrokosmos 101: 215–216.
PDF (7 MB)
689. Omar A. & Foissner W. (2012): Neotypification and ontogenesis of Leptopharynx costatus costatus
Mermod, 1914. – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 59: 268–286. PDF (2 MB)
690. Omar A. & Foissner W. (2012): Ontogenesis of Leptopharynx costatus costatus (Ciliophora, Microthoracida) and its
phylogenetic significance. – 31. Wissenschaftliche
Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, Wuppertal, Germany, Book
of Abstracts p. 85. PDF (5
691. Quintela-Alonso P., Nitsche
F., Wylezich C., Reed C., Arndt H. & Foissner W. (2012): A new species of the ciliate Tetrahymena (Ciliophora, Oligohymenophorea) isolated from
groundwater samples from Cape Town, South Africa. – 31. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft
für Protozoologie, Wuppertal, Germany, Book of Abstracts p. 106–107. PDF (5
692. Foissner W., Stoeck T. &
Kreutz M. (2012): Rediscovery of Paramecium chlorelligerum Kahl, 1935, a
second zoochlorellae-bearing Paramecium
species belonging to the P. nephridiatum
clade. – 31. Wissenschaftliche Tagung der
Deutschen Gesellschaft für Protozoologie, Wuppertal, Germany, Book of Abstracts
p. 75. PDF (5 MB)
693. Foissner W. (2012): Protist diversity and distribution: some
basic considerations. – 2nd European Workshop on the Evolutionary
Ecology of Terrestrial Isopods. Salzburg, Austria. PDF (5
694. Kreutz M., Stoeck
T. & Foissner W. (2012):
Morphological and molecular characterization of Paramecium (Viridoparamecium
nov. subgen.) chlorelligerum Kahl
1935 (Ciliophora). – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 59: 548–563. PDF (3 MB)
Foissner W., Medicus
R. & Augustin H. (2012):
Naturschutz für Einzeller? – Natur@ktiv 3/4: 3–4. PDF (0.7
696. Foissner W. & Guhl
W. (2012): In memoriam: Dieter Matthes (1919–2012). – Eur. J. Protistol. 48:
326. PDF (0.8
697. Vd΄ačný P., Bourland
W. A., Orsi W., Epstein S. S. & Foissner W. (2012): Genealogical
analyses of multiple loci of litostomatean ciliates (Protista, Ciliophora,
Litostomatea). – Mol.
Phylogenet. Evol. 65: 397–411. PDF (2 MB)
698. Foissner W., Medicus R.
& Augustin, H. (2012): – Ein Naturdenkmal
für Wimpertierchen. Natur und Land 98(4): 6–7. PDF (0.4
W., Stoeck T., Weisse T. & Wolf K.
(2013): Morphology, phylogeny and ecology of ciliates (protists, Ciliophora)
from tank bromeliads. – 2nd BioSyst.EU meeting, Vienna, Austria,
Book of Abstracts p. 61–62. PDF (10 MB)
700. Foissner W. (2013): Protists as indicators of ecosystem
health: Quo vadis? – 32nd Meeting of the German Society for
Protozoology (DGP), Kartause-Ittingen, Warth- Weiningen, Schweiz, Book of
Abstracts p. 5. PDF (10
701. Foissner W., Medicus R.,
Augustin, H. & Cotterill F.P.D. (2013): A natural monument
for ciliated protozoa: the ephemeral Krauthügel pond in the town of
Salzburg. – 32nd Meeting of the German Society for Protozoology
(DGP), Kartause-Ittingen, Warth- Weiningen, Schweiz, Book of Abstracts p. 23. PDF
(10 MB)
702. Weisse T., Scheffel U., Stadler P. & Foissner W.
(2013): Contrasting life strategies of two common ciliates form tank
bromeliads. – 32nd Meeting of the German Society for
Protozoology (DGP), Kartause-Ittingen, Warth- Weiningen, Schweiz, Book of
Abstracts p. 54. PDF (10
703. Heber D. & Foissner W. (2013): Morphology and morphogenesis of a Psilotricha-like ciliate from Hawaii. – 32nd
Meeting of the German Society for Protozoology (DGP), Kartause-Ittingen, Warth-
Weiningen, Schweiz, Book of Abstracts p. 69. PDF (10
704. Omar A., Kreutz M. & Foissner W.
(2013): Updating the microthoracids
(Ciliophora, Microthoracida): five new Drepanomonas taxa from soil. – 32nd
Meeting of the German Society for Protozoology (DGP), Kartause-Ittingen, Warth-
Weiningen, Schweiz, Book of Abstracts p. 76. PDF (10
705. Stoeck T., Flicker S. & Foissner W.
(2013): Morphological and molecular description of a new species in the
extraordinary genus Schmidingerothrix
(Ciliophora, Hypotricha). – 32nd Meeting of the German Society for
Protozoology (DGP), Kartause-Ittingen, Warth- Weiningen, Schweiz, Book of
Abstracts p. 83. PDF (10
706. Foissner W. (2013): Die sonderbare Protozoologie
des Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957). – Mikrokosmos 102: 74–77. PDF (1 MB)
707. Cotterill F.P.D.,
Augustin H., Medicus R. & Foissner W. (2013): Conservation of
Protists: The Krauthügel Pond in Austria. – Diversity 5:374–392. doi:10.3390/d5020374 PDF (2 MB)
708. Foissner W. (2013): Description
of Glaucomides bromelicola n. gen.,
n. spec. (Ciliophora, Tetrahymenida), a macrostome forming inhabitant of
bromeliads (Bromeliaceae), including redescriptions of Glaucoma scintillans and G.
reniformis. – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 60:137–157.
PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W. (2013):
Wimpertierchen in der Kläranlage Kranzberg. Veröff. Bayer. Kultur &
Geschichte. 62:116. PDF (2 MB)
710. Omar A. & Foissner
W. (2013):
Description of two new Drepanomonas taxa and an account on features
defining species in Drepanomonas Fresenius, 1858 (Ciliophora,
Microthoracida). – Eur. J.
Protistol. 49: 420–437. PDF (7 MB)
Weisse T., Scheffel U.,
Stadler P. & Foissner W. (2013): Bromeliothrix
metopoides, a boom and bust
ciliate (Ciliophora, Colpodea) from tank bromeliads. – Eur. J.
Protistol. 49: 406–419. PDF (2 MB)
712. Foissner W. & Stoeck T. (2013): Morphology of Bromeliophrya quadristicha n. spec., an
Inhabitant of Tank Bromeliads (Bromeliaceae), and Phylogeny of the
Bromeliophryidae (Ciliophora, Tetrahymenida). – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 60: 223–234. PDF (1 MB)
713. Foissner W., Augustin H.,
Medicus R. & Cotterill F.P.D. (2013):
Conservation of Protists: The Importance of Type Locality. – 32nd
Congr. Int. Soc. Limnol., Budapest, Hungary, book of Abstracts, p. 301–302. PDF (10
714. Vd΄ačný P. & Foissner
W. (2013): Synergistic effects of combining morphological and
molecular data in resolving the phylogenetic position of Semispathidium (Ciliophora, Haptoria) with description of Semispathidium breviarmatum sp. n. from
tropical Africa. – Zoologica Scripta. 42:
529–549. PDF (2 MB)
715. Quintela-Alonso P., Nitsche
F., Wylezich C., Arndt H. & Foissner W. (2013): A new Tetrahymena
(Ciliophora, Oligohymenophorea) from groundwater of Cape Town, South Africa. –
J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 60: 235–246. PDF (2 MB)
716. Weisse T., Scheffel
U., Stadler P. & Foissner W. (2013): Functional ecology of the
ciliate Glaucomides bromelicola, and
comparison with the sympatric species Bromeliothrix
metopoides. – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 60: 578–587. PDF (0.5
717. Foissner W., Filker S. & Stoeck T. (2014):
Schmidingerothrix salinarum nov.
spec. is the molecular sister of the large oxytrichid clade (Ciliophora,
Hypotricha). – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 61:
61–74. PDF (2 MB)
718. Vd`ačný P., Breiner H.-W., Yashchenko V., Dunthorn M., Stoeck T. & Foissner W.
(2014): The chaos prevails: molecular phylogeny of the Haptoria (Ciliophora,
Litostomatea). – Protist 165: 93–111.
PDF (14 MB)
Vd`ačný P., Stoeck T. & Foissner W. (2014): The chaos
prevails: molecular phylogeny of the Haptoria (Ciliophora, Litostomatea). 33rd
Annual Meeting of the German Society for Protozoology, Essen, Germany. Book of
Abstracts, p. 28. PDF (2.5 MB)
720. Foissner W.
(2014): An
update of 'basic light and scanning electron microscopic methods for taxonomic
studies of ciliated protozoa'. – Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 64: 271-292. PDF (2 MB)
Foissner W.
(2014): Stentor das Trompetentierchen
(Ciliophora). Einzeller des Jahres 2014.
(0.7 MB)
722. Foissner W., Bourland W.A., Wolf K.W., Stoeck T, Dunthorn M. (2014): New SSU-rDNA sequences for eleven colpodeans (Ciliophora, Colpodea) and
description of Apocyrtolophosis nov. gen. – Eur. J. Protistol. 50: 40–46. PDF (1.2 MB)
723. Vd`ačný P., Slovak M. & Foissner W. (2014) Multivariate
morphometric analyses of the predatory ciliate genus Semispathidium (Ciliophora: Litostomatea), with description of S. longiarmatum nov. spec. – Eur. J. Protistol. 50:
329–344. PDF (8 MB)
Dunthorn M., Hall M.,
Foissner W., Stoeck T. & Katz L.A.
(2014): Broad taxon sampling of ciliates using mitochondrial small subunit
ribosomal DNA. – Acta
Protozool., 53: 207–213. PDF (0.6 MB)
725. Foissner W., Jung J.-H., Filker
S., Rudolph J., Stoeck
T. (2014): Morphology, ontogenesis and molecular
phylogeny of Platynematum salinarum
nov. spec., a new scuticociliate (Ciliophora, Scuticociliata) from a solar
saltern. – Eur. J. Protistol. 50:
174–184. PDF (3 MB)
D., Stoeck T. & Foissner W. (2014): Morphology and ontogenesis of Psilotrichides hawaiiensis nov. gen.,
nov. spec. and molecular phylogeny of the Psilotrichidae (Ciliophora,
Hypotrichia). – J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 61:
260–277. PDF (2 MB)
Nomenclatural rectification, see Heber et al. (2017)
727. Berger H. & Foissner
W. (2014): Typification of the genus Dileptus
Dujardin, 1841 (Ciliophora, Rhynchostomatia). Eur. J.
Protistol. 50: 314–317. PDF (1 MB)
728. Foissner W., Quintela-Alonso P., Kumar S. & Wolf K.W. (2014): Five New Spathidiids (Ciliophora: Haptoria) from
Caribbean Tank Bromeliads. – Acta Protozoologica, 53:
159–194. PDF (5 MB)
729. Omar
A. & Foissner W. (2014): Three new microthoracids (Ciliophora, Nassophorea) from Austria and Venezuela. –
Acta Protozool. 53: 295–311 PDF (1.4 MB)
730. Weber F., Anderson R.,
Foissner W., Mylnikov A.P. & Jürgens K. (2014): Morphological and molecular approaches reveal highly stratified
protist communities along Baltic Sea pelagic redox gradients. – Aquat Microb
Ecol 73: 1-16. PDF (2 MB)
W. (2014): Protist distribution: 100 new neotropis soil ciliates emphasiue
moderate ciliate endemism. NOBIS 8, Salzburg, München, Book of Abstracts (without pagination) PDF
(2.5 MB)
W. (2014): Bioindication with protists in the activated sluge process:
solution of the taxonomic impediment. In: Grupo Bioindicación Sevilla (Ed.),
Curso sobre Microbiologia Aplicada del Fango Activo, p. 425-450. PDF (52 MB)
W. (2014): Protozoa. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental
Sciences. 12 pp PDF (2 MB)
734. Foissner W. (2015): Mythos Schönheit: Die
eukaryotischen, heterotrophen Einzeller. Kataloge des Oberösterreichischen
Landesmuseum, N. S., 168: 71–79. PDF (3 MB)
735. Foissner W. (2015): Protist distribution: 100
new neotropic soil ciliates emphasize moderate ciliate endemism. 34th
Annual Meeting of the German Society for Protozoology in Magdeburg, March 3rd–6th.
Abstract from Program, p. 26.
PDF (2 MB)
Kumar S. & Foissner W. (2015):
Biogeographic specializations of two large hypotrich ciliates: Australocirrus shii and A. australis and proposed synonymy of Australocirrus and Cyrtohymenides. Eur.
J. Protistol. 51: 210–228. PDF (7 MB)
Duran-Ramírez C.A.,
García-Franco J. G., Foissner W. & Mayén-Estrada R. (2015): Free-living ciliates from epiphytic tank
bromeliads in Mexico. Eur. J. Protistol. 51: 15–33. PDF
(1.5 MB)
Foissner W. (2016):
Terrestrial and semiterrestrial ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from Venezuela
and Galápagos. Denisia 35: 1–912. PDF (65 MB)
Foissner W. (2016):
This and that; yesterday, today, tomorrow; here and there: a medley. 35th annual meeting
of the German Society for Protozoology, Neuchâtel, Februar 23th–26th. Abstract from
Program, p. 21. PDF (9
Kumar S. & Foissner W.
(2016): High cryptic soil ciliate (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida)
diversity in Australia. Eur. J. Protistol. 53:
61–95. PDF (13 MB)
Foissner W.
(2016): Heterometopus meisterfeldi
nov. gen., nov. spec. (Protozoa, Ciliophora), a new metopid from Australia.
Eur. J. Protistol. 55: 118–127. PDF (5 MB)
Foissner W.
(2016): Protists as bioindicators in activated sludge: identification, ecology
and future needs. Eur. J. Protistol. 55
(Part A): 75–94. PDF
(8 MB)
Foissner W.
(2016): Dispersal of ciliated protozoa: lessons from a 4-year-experiment with
environmental micro-and mesocosms. NOBIS 10, Linz, Book of Abstracts (without
pagination). PDF (0.7 MB)
Kumar S. & Foissner W. (2017): Morphology and
ontogenesis of Stylonychia
(Metastylonychia) nodulinucleata nov. subgen. (Ciliophora, Hypotricha) from
Australia. Eur. J. Protistol. 57:
61–72. PDF (5 MB)
745. Vd`ačný P. & Foissner W. (2017): A huge diversity of
metopids (Ciliophora, Armophorea) in soil from the Murray River floodplain,
Australia. I. Description of five new species and redescription of Metopus setosus Kahl, 1927. Eur. J.
Protistol. 58: 35–76. PDF (32 MB)
746. Foissner W. (2017):
Dispersal of ciliated protozoa: lessons from a 4-year-experiment with
environmental micro- and mesocosms. 15th International Congress of
Protistology, Prague, Abstract on p. 76 of abstract book PDF (240 KB)
747. Vdacny P. & Foissner
W. (2017): A huge diversity of metopids (Ciliophora, Armophorea) in soil from
the Murray River floodplain, Australia. II. Morphology and morphogenesis of Lepidometopus platycephalus nov. gen.,
nov. spec. Acta Protozool. 56: 39–57
PDF (3.3 MB)
748. Aescht E., Foissner
W., Blatterer H., Kohmann F. & Berger H. (2017): Ciliophora
(Wimpertiere). - In: Moog O.
& Hartmann A. (Eds): Fauna
Aquatica Austriaca; 3. Lieferung. Wasserwirtschaftskataster, Bundesministerium
für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, Wien. pp. 1–31, 1–11,
1–2, 1–18 PDF
(0.5 MB)
749. Aescht E., Foissner
W., Blatterer H., Kohmann F. & Berger H. (2017): Ciliophora
(Ciliates). - In: Moog O. & Hartmann A. (Eds): Fauna Aquatica
Austriaca; 3. Lieferung. Wasserwirtschaftskataster, Bundesministerium für Land-
und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, Wien. pp. 1–31, 1–11, 1–2, 1–18
(0.5 MB)
750. Geisen S., Mitchell
E.A.D., Wilkinson D.M., Adl S., Bonkowski M., Brown
M.W., Fiore-Donno A.M., Heger T.J., Jassey
V.E.J., Krashevska V., Lahr D.J.G., Marcisz K., Mulot
M., Payne R., Singer D., Anderson O.R., Charman
D.J., Ekelund F., Griffiths B.S., Ronn R., Smirnov
A., Bass D., Balbahri L., Berney C., Blandenier
Q., Chatzinotas A., Clarholm M., Dunthorn M., Feest
A., Fernández L.D., Foissner W., Fournier B., Gentekaki
E., Hájek M., Helder J., Jousset A., Koller
R., Kumar S., La Terza
A., Lamentowicz M., Mazei Y., Santos S.S, Seppey
C.V.W., Spiegel F.W., Walochnik J., Winding A. & Lara
E. (2017): Soil protistology rebooted: 30 fundamental questions to start with.
Soil Biol. & Biochem., 111: 94-103 PDF (900 KB
Foissner W., Filker S. & Stoeck T. (2018): Corrigendum to “Schmidingerothrix salinarum nov. spec. is the molecular sister of
the large oxytrichid clade (Ciliophora, Hypotricha) by Foissner et al. 2014”. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 65: 290 PDF (70 KB)
Heber D., Stoeck T. & Foissner W. (2018): Corrigendum: “Morphology and ontogenesis
of Psilotrichides hawaiiensis nov.
gen., nov. spec. and molecular phylogeny of the Psilotrichidae (Ciliophora,
Hypotrichia)” by Heber et al. 2014. J.
Eukaryot. Microbiol., 65: 291-292 PDF (100 KB
Foissner W.
(2018): Follow micro-organisms MacArthur‘s and Wilson‘s equilibrium theory of
island biogeography? NOBIS Austria 12, Bozen, Abstract, p. 10 of abstract
booklet PDF (350 KB)
Foissner W.
(2018): Two new monotypic, hypotrich families (Ciliophora, Hypotricha) from
floodplain soil in Australia and Botswana, respectively. 37th Annual
Meeting of the German Society for Protozoology, Koeln; Abstract, p. 41-42 of abstract
book PDF (25 KB)
P., Rajter L., Stoeck T. & Foissner W. (2019): A proposed timescale for the
evolution of armophorean ciliates: clevelandellids diversify more rapidly than
metopids. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 66: 167-181 + Supplement. PDF (2.2 MB), PDF-Supplement (90 KB)
756. Vd‘acny P. & Foissner W. (2019): Re-analysis of the 18S rRNA gene
phylogeny of the ciliate class Colpodea. Eur. J. Protistol., 67: 89-105 +
Supplement PDF (6 MB